to the productive resources of the state. From
those who have done so well, and who have shown
such unequivocal capacities for improvement,
we may expect more. From the tree, which has
produced blossoms, we may expect fruit; and
from the bearing tree which has produced grafts,
tre may expect an abundant harvest. Under all
circumstances, we may regard the problem of
their, reclamation as fixed and certain. They
have themselves solved it. And whatever an
enlightened people and legislature should do to
favor them, ought not to be omitted. Churches
and societies who have granted their peculiar
aids, should continue those aids; and the heart
of the philanthropist and the statesman has cause
to rejoice* that after all their wars and wander-*
ings, mistakes and besetments, the Iroquois,
made wise by experience, are destined to live.
The results of the census, herewith submitted,
demonstrate this. The time is indeed propitious
for putting the inquiry, whethefthe Iroquois are
not worthy to be received, under the new constitution,
as citizens of the state*
^ This question was debated in the convention foT revising
the constitution of New York, which'.assembled at Albany,'
in May, 1846, but the provision to thfa^ftects ^recommended
and adopted by the committee,'was decided Vn the negative
by the convention.
'Sqiejtoara^ta, os Kino Hendrick,^-Infant Atptasho of tbs
j.-» ONQNDAflAS — Red 'Jacket U-I^the Wyandot Cxaim to- Str-
Vl.RI.MA C V—TQCAio^ASJ^ M # , ^ | ’t pF -BRANT U mIVEBS
p F F R ^ E ',% S E lR O ^ \ f ,^ b N S m ^ R .E D CÓONTy C l ERK
Such was the name, in his own dialect, according
to the researches ©f Mr. Yatés, of the
celebrated sachem, usually called King Hendrick,
who during the middle of the eighteenth
century* stood at the head of the, proud Mohawk
canton. A chief who, at the head of two hundred
picked Iroquois^by- his name and valor, on
the day of Count Dieskau’s defeat, gave his
.powerful influence, at a single blow, to exalt to
honor one of the greatest, friends to America in
G ep, 'William Johnson; and at the same time, to
humble her constant and most strenuous enemy,
the. French ofCanada. It was a crisis which
turned the scale in favor of the colonists, after a
long and severe struggle for political supremacy,