S ection 5. Iberian tribes in Spain.
Paragraph 1. Of the Turdetani and Turd
u li........... ............ ...... . ..... 36
Paragraph 2. Of the Lusitaniaris . . . . . . . 38
Paragraph 3. Nations in the northern parts
o f Spain, in the Basque provinces• . . . . 39
Section 6. Traces of the Euskaldunes in countries beyond
the boundaries of Spain and Aquitania.. . . 40
Section 7. Observations on the origin of the Celtic and
Iberian inhabitants of Spain ....................... 46'
O f the Celtic Race.
Section !. General survey—Extension of the Celtic race
—Celtic dialects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . r 4<y
Paragraph 2. Remains of the Celtic races
and languages.......... ............................. -. 51
Section 2. Earliest accounts of the CeltiC^hations—Original
Celtica of the Greeks—Of its earlier inhabitants,
the Ligurians . . .................................. .. * 55
Section 3. Subdivisions of GaUl according to the races of
its inhabitants—Tribes" in Aquitania, Narhonensis,
Celtica or Lugdunensis . . . I .........'
Section 4. Of, the Belgae..............................i .............. .. 70
Section 5. Of the settlements of the Celtic nations beyond
the limits of Gaul—First of the Celtic colo-
% hies in Italy..... ........................ .. .\^.. , . . , 75
Section 6. Of the expeditions of the Gauls across the Rhine',
and their colonies in Germany, Sericum,'and f
Pannonia.......... . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . gg
Celtic- tribes of the Alps and the neighbouring
countries . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... ........ 90
Section 7. t>f the colony of Gauls in Asia Minor . . . . . . . . 94
S ection *8. Of the Cimbri...................... 08
Section 9. Of the population qtthe British Isles........... 105
Section 10. Of the language of the Belgic nations, and of
their relation to the Celtae..................... .. 109
Section 1 1. Results deducible from this comparison.
, Paragraph 1. Unity of language throughout
the Celtic and Belgic countries,..... 123
Paragraph 2. Inquiry to what modern dia-
lect was the ancient common language
ofal|iflffcltiea and Belgica, related . . . . 125
, Paragraph 3. Second result deduced'from
the preceding examination . . . . . . . . , . . 135
Section .1$^;,, Of the ancient inhabitants of Ireland.
Paragraph L Of the accounts of Ireland
left by tier ancient writers««. fS . . 137
Paragraph 2. Su rvey of the ancient Irish
% traditions. ^ . . ............ 140
Paragraph 3, Critical remarks on: the
Bardic stoiies and on the Monkish an-
nals'-tof Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Paragraph 4. Concluding observations on g
the historyf^-Probable origin of the Irish
^ face . . i. . ........ . ............. .. 149
Section 13. Of the inhabitants of North Britain, namely,
Caledonians, Piets, Scots, and Britons 'of 4)
/ Strath clyde and .Cumberland . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Paragraph 1. Of fhe Caledoni^nsK.%'. . . . 153
Paragraph 2. Of the tribes of North Bri-.
tons between the two Roman walls, or
in the provkace^pf Valentia 157
Paragraph, S.iOf.the Piets and Scots, . . . . 150
S ection 14. Of thg, A r j p p g i c a n s .\..................... 167
Section 15._ On the moral character of the Celtic nations.
Paragraph 1., Of their national character
and institutions ......................... ..... . 174
Paragraph 2. Of their temper and personal
character........................<, < . . . . . . . . 178
. Paragraph 3. Arts of life,.,.. . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Paragraph 4. Of the religion of the Celtic
nations. .............................. . ....................... 183
Paragraph 5.,;Religious, ritespf the Celtic
nations •*■.«.»................. ............ ............ 187
Section 16. Of the physical characters of tpe Celtic nations 189
Paragraph 2. Of the^physickl characters
^ of ^h,e Britohs.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Of the Population o f Italy.
Section 1. General Observations'.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201