S ection I.—General Survey.—^Extent o f Ancient Germany.
The German nation, reckoned at the Christian era among
barbarians and beyond itbe boundaries of,
bad soon after the end of the fourth century achieved th&oon.-.
quest of the Roman empire. In moral »energy the German
race was so superior 'to'thj&fest ^jpnnkjnd* and ■ f ber,f Romn-
nized nations were so prostrate before their arm s, that, ±h©j.ol4
stock of inhabitants might eventually hay,e.been exterminated
from Europe, if German dynasties and German
blished in conquered provinces had not changed, the^onditipn
and renewed the vigour of the subdued people, amqng .whom
the new: race formed , for s o ^ rcenturie&^aTmilitary and noble
caste. Franks and Alemans, and Burgundians and Visigoths
in Gaul; Heruli, Goths, and Langobards in Italy jNisueyi, and
Vand als, and Ostrogoths in S pain, were in tqo small a proportion
in the mass of the people to impress their language eventually
on the conquered nations. In these countrief^ibe Batin
idiom and the physical and moral characters of the_old races
have,prevailed; and the great body of the people may be considered
a s. descended from them. It was chiefly in Britain and
on the Upper Rhine and towards, Switzerland that a German
population, properly so considered, encroached far on the.boun-
daries which had previously limited the extent of that race,
and in these countries Saxon and High German dialects be-
•came the vernacular and eventually the national speech.
Ancient Germany was bounded by the Rhine and Danube
towards the south, by the ocean on the west?. on the,
the Vistula-/* orby the uncertain limits of Sarmatian tribes; towards,.
the north ancient Germany had no limitations : all the
countries beyond the, Baltic, supposed of old islands or
elusters ef islands in thé Northern Ocean, were comprehended
in its extent.
«ri I t m-u§t'Jfeè^obseryed .that some1 German tribes lived beyond
éhese 1 imif &,v both^tdwar ds the east, and west. German tribes
were» known ih-Garul, and several* of .the .nations inhabiting
Sarmat-ia, that isf the irfegion^.eyond the, Vistula-; were ascertained
mr supposed fo:. ;bn*nf^Germanic origin, , On the other
ha-nd, i there wdre. districts within the boundaries of-Germany
still occupied* by. people foreign-to th@ Teutonic blood. ..Such
were the Units of Boiohemum and of the Hercynian Forest, and
the ‘remains of the aboriginal people o f; Scandinavia. The
Wends ofvNorthernJjiermany perhaps enfeiedritiafter the great
southward migration of tha;n.oriherii: tribes.-T
u The diversified nature'of the eountryin difihtentlpilrtsof
Kbrmany .may. have given rise. to. -the -great varieties observed
:-in thechara’cter.c^fe^ inhabitants...,, The disfMj^ hn.the Rhing
■were thebfest eultivatéd*and here under the Roman dominion
iifb-wns LQfegrowingTefinementi^dfil,dis,pla,ved 't heBaselve,S: ,Stra(s-
'burg#SpiefS, h u t ■ p a r t i c u l a r l y ^ a n d G l )tew>rirfor- tfle Jeft'
'branch olkihe Rhine was alveadw^psupied by German tribps
in thexage of :G8esar,^became flourishing ^tigg-pppnnRer.thé
Roman government^was established- joiv§r Gaul. In fh%'inr
jrerior of Germany the Hercynian F q ^ st extended. oyer tracts
which a traveller cQukbpossrin sixty days, , Taking ,it§( risp
near thé fountains o fthé Rhine, it Riigep on.the
Baltic, in ordver to reappear Op the* northern coas^qf that inland
pea :and\cover the .whole Finnlapd. The Black Fpijegt,
the QdénV^ldfthis Westerwalfl, Spessart, the wqqlda.qf Re-
hernia, Thuringia,aud.,riie Hartz, arq remains p f the Herqynjan
i'biestt The.nprthern coast of Germany flqnsisted of.morasses,
subject to frequent inundarion^swhere fhe,natives;fixed their
* -riertnat>ia him iipfe Rheni usque ad Aïpls| d mferidie ‘ ipsis Alpibus; -ab
oriente Sarmaticarum confinio gentium ; quit Sè^tenWienem, spectut oeeanico littore
obducta- est. (Pompon. Mela, de situ Orbis, lib. iii. cap. 3.) ,
+ Schloezer thought that some of the Wendish tribes had obtained a footing in
ancient Germany before the migration of the northern tribes, but he wa Hearty-
singular in thabópihión.