-;bthet$&ïsfeead'is plane, less gibbous
an; .‘and vlaw.t I tronly'appears somewhat broad
oVitigvtöc4heipircu-ms<fc&™p that?*thé^e*%fernal orbitaL process
ffiiffij ©ined- below by a likewise
projecting rhalat Böhe.’ .The tgmperal-foyeads amply developed,
thiM&Jè^joWbein-'g^^&M^fvh^d'dep^fandl it- is terminated
bttithÉ anfcriorjfc'Mlc bv!a wlrwng.pvi^efi^r-imargin-.offthe frontal
p ||p ^ |t9 le < m a 4 d ^ te ^ ^ ^ f f e r f t^ ll^ l^ a rafheji^tebng^zygo'-
tlie articnJ^^ub^Cüfcm is;verypro!-
nïmèiit, onffhe posterior «si^^t^y which thé zy- ,
•ggmatjc arch is^ontinued-abme t^esafeernal dpeningmf the ear.
M©i;tfoyru-th'e condyloid processes of tlie3p|cf|i>!tal bone are large
'aiMï^orn^rpfe’ïnentfthan injotfeèr skuflsgij jrTh e ahastoid' flro-
'/(ysion 'thei^lhtenhand, in a ll lèÊtEstEoiiian skultefbxamined,
déÉfMM and fessfroughf while -Russian^skulfs^ha^Long and
■thilrmMtdi&prodesSe^ N?ot more develbpedds the external
r0emjM&h pr^tisBbewi^fe^ nor i ^general/ aréytfie ■ i mprèssi o ns of
.the mnsalé^Very! conspicuous :ori thé yccjipitulUjone. »
Imi?hé baserpf ’the -skull hoth|ff|bemarkab.fe;appèars: ikfe
interior ëocipital protuiierapée is ' rather- ^^êÉbmthani'usual;-;
the linem crnglatm car str ongly marked, land, the^rahkversib
ffiirriaws-deepferp. while the-ossa, petrosa project» .much to*-
-wards; the cayity of the skull, and thd'josjoccipitafe^'w.hepe
it forms the dower occipita?bfove3e$ isVlës^convex ;.-by this' conform
atfon thelspafc-eI which the ne'erebellum occupies . is
.dèntLv narrowed. Nö thing else is-ohser vablepexeept that the
-foveee in the anterior-.part of the cranium appear<to'be?somef-
what moie angular, and'.the: jugular foramina somewhat greater
.than in other skulls.: u
1 The faciak part, compared with the,wJh.ölM'skull,iis 'small,
»broad, and low. The breadth; of thè f&éè is not.produced' so
•much bygreatér developemen't of the malar bené'; which is thé
Tact in Mongolian skulls,>as.rather.bjt angre^ter .éminence of
theimalariprocess of^the.upper maxillary-bonfe.^ < On this ató-
mohiÉ tithe distancebetween the malarbones? compared with thé
•breadth of. the fofehead, appears much-greater thamin Euro-
-peansi%r;general. rrlen£el• the , external [orbital - margins, ‘«air«
■spread-further routward, and- the distance between the orbital
^margins is greater, And the orbits themselves wider: therefore?