to distract the attention of the reader, and obscure to
his view and render less forcible the evidence that may
be brought to bear upon general conclusions. On this
account it has appeared to me advisable to prefix an
introductory chapter, in which I ha at t empt ed to
survey in a synthetical order a great variety of par-,
ticular subjects; and at the termination of this part
of my work, where a synthetical statement has its
most natural place, I shall resume the same point
of view, and shall draw up a brief recapitulation of
the results.” *
* I cannot let pass this opportunity of expressing my obligations
to Captain Washington, R.N:, and the ether5offers and members
of the Royal Geographical Society, for the great assistance in very
many instances afforded me, by giving "me access to sources of information
otherwise hardly attainable, I am -under a similar obligation
to the learned and trulpliberal MarquisofvBute, who,has,.,most
kindly lent me from his .magnificent library many* works qjj the
history of the northern nations, which could not be heard of either
at the Bodleian or in the library of the British Museum.
Preliminary Surrey of the whole; Subject-,—Different points of
view—Subdivisions. -
S ection 1. General observations—Geographical relations
of Europe and Asia to other côuntriés, and
/ of the two continents to each other........... 1
Section 2. Distribution of the-nations of Europe and Asia
into,groynes and families. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .. 4
Paragraph 2. First groupe—Syro-Arabiah
........ ................. 5
Paragraph 3. Second,grouperr-Indo-European
,or Iranian nations........................ 7
Paragraph 4. Of the Allophylian races... 8
Paragraph 5. Of the different groupes of
... nations comprehended among the Allo.-
phylian races...................... 13
O f thè Euskaldunes, Aborigines of the South-western parts of
f Europe. "
Section 1.- Names^—General Survey—Sources of information.
. . ' . . . . . . lf;\-■;.......................... — . . . . 20
S ection 2. Observations on the Euskarian language, and
; ..its relations to other idioms....................... 22
Section 3. Domains'of’the Euskaldunes'and of the Celtici
* in Spalh investigated ........................ 26
Section 4. Of the^Celtic nations in Spain.......................... 32