104. C. Darwin, Journal of researches into the geology and natural
history of the various countries visited by H. M. S. Beagle.
London 1839. 8°.
105. •-------------;— The structure and description of coralreefs, being
the first part of the geology of the voyage of the Beagle.
London 1842. 8<>.
106. --------------- Geological observations on the volcanic Islands,
visited during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, being the
second part of the geology of the voyage of the Beagle.
London 1844. 8°.
107 . --------------- Geological observations on South-America, being
the third part of the geology of the voyage of the Beagle.
London 1846. 8°.
108. Ch. M a c l a r e n , A sketch of the geology of Life and the
Lothians. Edinburg 1839. 8°.
109. L. A g a s s iz , Etudes sur les glaciers, avec un atlas. Neuchâtel
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110. W. D awson and W. D. C o n y b e a r e , Ten plates comprising a
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111. A. von K l i p s t e in , Beiträge zur geologischen Kenntniss der
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112. J. D. E o r b e s , Travels through the Alps of Savoy and other
parts of the Pennine Chain. Edinburg 1843. 8°.
113.------------------- Norway and its glaciers visited in 1851.
Edinb. 1853 8°.
114. Occasional papers on the theory of glaciers.
Edinb. 1859. 8°.
115. --------------- Iceland, its volcanoes, geysers and glaciers.
London. 1860. 8°.
116. H. B u r m e is t e r , Geologische Bilder. Eine Geschichte der Erde
und ihrer Bewohner. Leipzig. 1851—1853. 1 vol. 2 Th. 8°.
117. D. D. Owen, Beport of a geological survey of Wisconsin,
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118. Verhandelingen uitgegeven door de Commissie voor de geologische
kaart en beschrijving van Nederland. Haarlem 1853.
2 deelen. 4°.
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