15. Journal of a voyage to the South Sea, from the papers of Sidney
Parkinson, Draughtsman to Sif J. Banks in his expedition
with Dr. Solander. Lond. 1784. 4".
16. H. W il s o n , Account of the Pelew-Islands. Lond. 1789. 4°.
17. G. D ix o n , Voyage round the World and to the north-west coast
of America, in 1785—1788. Lond. 1789. 4°.
18. J. W h i t e , Journey of a voyage to New South-Wales. London
1790. 4».
19. W. Bligh, Voyage to the South Sea, for conveying the bread
fruit to the West-Indies. Lond. 1792. 4°.
2 0 . De l a P e y r o u s e , Voyage autour du monde. Paris 1 7 9 7 . 4 tom.
in 4°. et un atlas de cartes et de planches.
21. E. Marchant), Voyage autour du monde. Paris' 1798. 4 vol.
4°. avec un atlas de planches.
22. D. C o l l in s , Account of the Englisch colony in New South-
Wales. Lond. 1798—1802, 2 vol. 4°.
23. G. v a n C o u v e r , Voyage of discovery to the North-Pacific
Ocean and round the World. 3 vol. and a atlas of charts.
Lond. 1798.
24. C. J. W i l s o n , Voyage to the southern Pacific Ocean. London
1799. 4°.
25. La B i l l a r d 1è r e , Voyage à la recherche de la Peyrouse. Paris
1800. 2 tomes 4°. avec un atlas de planches.
26. J. G r a n t , Narrative of a voyage of discovery to New South-
Wales. Lond. 1803. 4°.
27. W. R. B r o u g h t o n , Voyage of discovery to the North-Pacific
Ocean. Lond, 1804. 4°.
28. M. L. d e E r e y c in e t , Observations du pendule. Paris 1806.
29 __________________ Voyage autour du monde. Paris 1824—
1837. 9 vol. 4°. avec 2 atlas.
30. T. E. P e r o n , Voyage de découverte aux terres Australes. Paris
1807. 2 vol. 4°. avec 2 atlas de planches.
31. A. J. v o n K r u s e n s t e r n , Reise um die Welt im 1803—1806.
Petersb. 1810. 3 Theile mit Atlas.
32. G. H. von L a n g sd o r e e , Reise um die Welt in 1803—1807.
Erankf. 1812. 2 Bände,
3 3 . M. E l in d e r s , A voyage to terra Australis. Lond. 1814. 4°.