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H. v a n R h e d e , Hortus indicus malabaricus, cum notis J.
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A. Q. R iv i n i , Icônes plantarum flore Monopetalo, Tetrâpetalo
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A. M u n t in g , Beschrijving en afbeeldingen der aardgewassen.
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P. H e r m a n n u s , Paradisus Batavus L. B. 1698. 4°.
Plantae Javanicae pictae, ex Java transmissae A°. 1700 curâ
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O l a i R u d b e c k i i , Campi Elysii liber secundus. Upsal 1701. fol.
C. C o m m e l in i , Praeludia botanica et plantarum rariorum icônes.
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M. G a r id e l , Histoire des plantes, qui naissent aux environs
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J . P. T o u r n e e o r t ii , Institutiones rei herbariae. Paris 1719.
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J. S c h e u c h z e r , Agrostographia, Tiguri 1 7 1 9 . 8°.
L. P l u c k e n e t i i , Opera omnia botanica. Lond. 1720. 6 vol.
M. A. T ille , Catalogus plantarum horti Pisani. Elorent. 1723. fol.
J. D o u g l a s , Description of the Guernsay Lilly et botanical dissection
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S. T a il l a n t , Botanicon Parisiense. Leid. 1727. fol.
J. M a r t ïn , Hisioma plantarum rariorum. Londini 1728. fol.
H. B o e r h a a v e , Index plantarum horti academiae Lugduno-Ba-
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P. A. Michelii, Nova plantarum genera. Elor. 1729. 4°.
J. J. Di l l e n i i , Hortus Elthamensis. Londini 1732. 2 vol. fol.
C. L in n a e i , Musa Clifl’ortiana florens Hartecampi. L . B.
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_— Plantarum rariorum horti Upsaliensis decas I et II.
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