c. I t i n e r a in var ias reg ione s Af r icae.
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/ / d frJs! 1. P. J. Lobo, Voyage historique d’Abyssinie. Paris 1728. 4°.
y 2. Th. Shaws, Travels and observations relating to several parts
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„ i 8. P. L. Noiiden , Voyage en Egypte et en Nubie. Copenh. 1755.
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r;; /, 4. A. - Spaebman , Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope. London
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" 1 5. W. Pateeson, Narrative of four journeys into the country of
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h * 6. J. Beuce, Travels to discover the Source of the Nile. London
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y ; 7. M. le Vaillant, Premier voyage dans l’intérieur de l’Afrique.
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„ & 8. ¡d__ Second voyage dans l’intérieur de l’Afrique.
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»___ , 9. C. S. Sonnini, Voyage dans la haute et la basse Egypte. Paris
au 7. 3 tom. 8°.
k „ t 10. W. G. Beowne, Travels in Africa, Egypt and Syria, from the
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. * /, 11. M. Paek, Travels into the interior districts of Africa. London
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Y . f. 12. J. Baeeow , Travels into the interior of southern of Africa in
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f „ 13. V. B e n o n , Voyage dans la basse et la haute Egypte. Paris
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