E. I t i n e r a r i a in Aus l r a l iam, r egi ones a n t á r c t i c a s , et
i t i n e r a quae vocant , circa orbem ter rarum.
1. J. W e d d e l l , Voyage towards tlie south Pole. Lond. 1727. 8°.
2.,. .Histoire des navigations aux terres Australes. Paris 1756. 2 tom. 4°.
3. M. de B o u g a i n v i l l e , Yoyage autour du monde. Paris 1771. 4°.
4. A Journal of a voyage round the world in H. M. ship Endeavour.
Lond. 1771. 4°.
__5. J. H a w k e sw o r t h , Account of the voyage successively performed
by Byron, Wallis, Carteret and Cook. Lond. 1773. 3 vol. 4°.
_6. G. A n s o n , Yoyage round the world in 1740—1744. Lond.
1776. 4».
A2LM. Sonnerat , Yoyage à la nouvelle Guinée. Paris 1776. 4".
8. J. C o o k , Yoyage towards the South Pole and round the World.
Lond. 1777. 2 vol. 4°%
_9. and J. King, Voyage to the pacific Ocean, performed
by Cook, Clarke and Gore. Lond. 1784. 3 vol. and
atlas of plates. 4°.
1 0 . G. F o r s t e r , Voyage round the World, by the ship the Besolution,
commanded by capt. Cook. Lond. 1777. 2 vol. 4°.
11. J. B e in o l d F o r s t e r , Observations made during a voyage round
the World. Lond. 1778. 4°.
-12. C. N. P o r t l o c k , Yoyage round the World, particularly to the
north-west coast of America. Lond. 1779. 4°.
lfL G. P h i l i p , Yoyage to the.Botany-Bay. Lond. 1779. 4°.
14. Th. F o r r e s t , Voyage to New-Guinea and the Moluccas. Lond.
1780. 4".