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7. H. R. S ch oo i.c r a f t , The American Indians, their history, conditions
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8. G. W in d so r E a r l , The native races of the Indian Archipelago.
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9 . B. G o l t z , Der Mensch und die Leute. Berlin 1 8 5 8 . 5 Hfte.
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13. R. G. L a t h a m , The nationalities of Europe. London 1863-
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15. Th. H. H u x l e y , Evidence as to Man’s place in nature.
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16. Opuscula ethnologica. 7 vol. 8°, (Collection de mémoires et de
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17. Opuscula cranioscopica. 8°. (Collection de mémoires et de brochures
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1 8 . T h . W a it z , Die Indianer Nord-America’s. Eine Studie. Leipz.
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Ad Pag. 24 etc.
1. U. A ld r o v a n d u s , Quadrupedum bisulcorum historia. Bononiae
1621. fol.
2 . de quadrupedibus digitatis viviparis. Bonon.
1637. fol.
3. ------------------------ de quadrupedibus solipedibus. Bononiae
1639. fol.