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17. C u v ie k , L e rè g n e an im a l d is tr ib u é d’ap rè s son o rg a n is a tio n .
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18. G u é r in -M én e v il l e , Iconographie du règne animal de Cuvier.
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19. T h . H o r s f i e l d , Zoological Researches in Java. Lond. 1824. 4°.
20. L a t r e il l e , Pamilles naturelles du règne animal. Paris 1825. 8 °.
21. B e n n e t en O l iv ie r , Pauna Belgica. Haarlem 1823—1826.
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22. C. G. E h r e n b e r g , Symbolae physicae. Pars zoologica. Berol.
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24. -------------- E. R u p p e l , Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von
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25. M a x im il ia n Pr. zu N e u w ie d , Abbildungen zur Naturgeschichte
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26. N. A n s l i jn , Afbeeldingen van Nederlandsche dieren. Leid. 1829.
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27. J. E. G r a y , Illustrations of Indian Zoology. Lond. 1830. fol.
28. C. L. B o n a pa r t e , Iconographia della Fauna Italica. Roma 1832.
29. J. R ic h a r d s o n , Pauna boreali-Americana. Lond. 1831—1837.
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30. O. G. C o s t a , Fauna del regno di Napoli. Nap. 1832—1839.
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31. C. D a r w in , The zoology of the voyage of H. M. ship Beagle.
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32. A. Sm it h , Illustrations of the Zoology of South-Africa. Lond.
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33. The Zoology of Capt. Beechey’s voyage. Lond. 1839. 4°.
34. R. B. H in d s , The Zoology of the voyage of H. M. ship Sulphur.
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35. J. J. von T s c h u d i , Untersuchungen über die Pauna Peruana.
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