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1 5 . C. T. T h o n b e r g , Yoyage au Japon. Paris 1 7 9 6 . 2 vol. 4°.
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19. S. T u r n e r , An account of an embassy to the court of the
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20. M. S y m e s , Account of an embassy to the kingdom of Ava.
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21. A. O l iv ie r , Yoyage dans l’empire Ottoman, l’Egypte et la
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23 . --------------- Yoyage to. Cochinchina in 1792 and 1793. Lond.
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24. M. d e G u ig n e s , Voyage à Pekin. Paris 1808. 3 tom. 8°.
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2 5 . W . M a r s d e n , The history of Sumatra. Lond. 1 8 1 1 . 4 ° .
26. E. P a r r o t , Eeise in die Krym und Kaukasus. Berlin 1815.
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27. Th. St. R a p p l e s , History of Java. Lond. 1817. 2 vol. 4<>.
28. M. G o l o v n in , Voyage au Japon. Paris 1818. 2 vol. 8».
29. B. Hall, Account of a voyage to the westcoast of Corea and
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30. M. d e E o r b in , Voyage dans le Levant. Paris 1819. fol.
31. J. B. E r a s e r , Journal of a tour through a part of the snowy
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32. ------------------ Narrative of a journey into Khorasan in the
years 1821 and 1822. Lond. 1825. 4°.
33. ------------------- Travels and adventures in the Persian provinces
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