A. I t i n e r a in regiones Europaeas.
1. J. P. S c h eu c h z er , Itinera per Helvetiae Alpinas regiones. Lugd. 4°.
2. M. O u t h ie r , Journal d’un voyage au nord, en 1736 et 1737.
Paris 1744. 4°.
3. T h . P e n n a n t , A tour in Scotland, and voyage to the Hebrides.
Chester 1774—1776. 2 vol.
4. E. O la e s en und P. P o v e l s e n s , Reise durch Island. Kopenh.
1774. 4°.
5. J. G. Ge o r g i , Bemerkungen einer Reise im Russischen Reich,
im Jahre 1772. Petersb. 1775. 2 Theile 4°.
6. R. C h a n d l e r , Travels into Greece. Oxford 1776. 4°.
7. A. E o r t is , Travels into Dalmatia. Lond 1778. 4°.
8. J. T. D il l o n , Travels through Spain. Lond. 1780. 4°.
9. U. von T r o il , Letters on Iceland. Lond. 1780. 8°.
1 0 . W. C o x e , Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden and Dänemark.
Lond. 1784—1790. 3 vol. 4°.
11. N. G. L e s k e , Reise durch Sachsen. Leips. 1785. 4°.
12. H. W ig st ea d and T. R ow la n d so n , Excursion to the Bright-
Helmstone. Lond. 1790. fol.
13. A. B e a um o n t , Travels through the Retian Alps, in the year
1787. Lond. 1792. fol.
14. ------------------- Travels through the maritime Alps, from Italy to
Lyon. Lond. 1795. fob Select views of the south of Prance.
Lond. 1794. fol.