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3 9 . J o h n G o u i.d , A Century of Birds of the Himalaya Mountains.
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40 . -----------------The Birds of Europe. Lond. 1837. 5 vol. fol.
41. ----------------- A Monograph of the family of Rhamphastidae.
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42. ----------------- A Monograph of the Trogonideae or family of
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45. ----------------- leones avium, or figures and descriptions of new
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47. ----------------- Monograph of the Odontophorinae of Partridges
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48 . --------------— The Birds of Asia. Lond. 1850. fol.
49 . -----------------A Monograph of the Trochilidae or family of
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50 . ----------— The Birds of Great Britain. Lond. 1863.
5L J. W. Lewin, A natural history of the Birds of New South-
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52. Mad. K n i p , née d e C o u h c e l i.e s , les Pigeons, le texte par
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53. W. Y a rre l, A history of British Birds. Lond. 1843. 3 vol. 8°.
54. B. d u Bus, Esquisses ornithologiques.. Brux. 1845. 4°.
5 5 . P. A. L. T h ie n e m a n , Eortpflanzungsgeschichte der gesammten
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56. H. E. S t k ic k l a n D and A. G. M e l v il l e , The Dodo and its
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5 7 . Dr. B r a n d , Versuch einer kurzen Naturgeschichte des Dodo.
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