L O C U S T A A M B O I N E N S I S .
A M B O Y N A L E A F - L O C U S T .
Antennae fetaceous : feelers unequa l: tail o f the female armed with an enfiform weapon.
Green: thorax quadrangular with the angles dentated; fcutel large, brown-green; wing-cafes leaf-
formed and very broad.
L o c u s t a A m b o in e n s i s : viridiffima, thorace tetragona angulis dentatis, fcutello magno fufco-viridi,
elytris foliaceis latiflimis.— UNFIGURED.
The only fproimen we h are evw feen o f this elegant fpecies is that delineated in the annexed plate
with Locufta citnfolia. This inledt was received from Amboyna fome years ago by Governor Holford,
then refident in India, and is at this time in the colleaion o f the A u th o r.
Both the elytra, or wing-cafes, and the pofterior part of the thorax, are o f a fine delicate green: the
anterior part o f the thorax yellowilli brown; with the head, and body ftill paler. The wing-cafes, as ufual
in this tribe, bear no very diftant refemblance to the le.ives o f certain plants, not only in colour but alfo
in the outline, and ftill more fo in the conformation o f the nerves which arife and branch off towards the
extremities, exadly in the fame manner as the nerves arife, and ramify, from the mid-rib in tbe leaves of
the far greater number of plants. One peculiarity in the llrufture o f the elytra in our new fpecies de-
ferves remark : the fcutel, or rather that portion o f the wing-cafe on the left fide that folds over the back
when the creature is at reft, is of a much ftronger texture than any other part o f the in fe a except the
thorax, and ferves as an external covering or defence to the correfponding lobe o f the other wing-cafe,
which is o f a more delicate nature, confitting only o f a thin and pellucid membrane, the furface o/wh ich
IS hyaline or glafly. The wings are remarkably tender, o f a whitlfti colour, and feraitranfparent.