The Curculio regalis has been figured only in the unfiniihed produaions o f a French author on Exotic
Coleóptera, Olivier, and the extreme fcarcity o f th at part o f his work which has been publiihed, would
induce us to add this in fe a to our Indian fpecies, were we uninfluenced by any other motive.
C U R C U L I O P A L M A R U M .
P A L M T R E E C U R C U L IO .
Roftrura long. Entirely black. Thorax broad and flattifti. Win g cafes iliort and ftriated.
C u r c u l io P a lm a sum : longiroftris ater thorace fupra piano, elytris abbreviatis ftriatls.
Fab. Ent. Syß. T . I . p . 2. p. 3Q5. fp . 2.
Linn. Syß. N at. 2. 506. 1.
A very abundant Ipecies in India, where it is found chiefly on the palm trees.