Totaxus maculaiu us, iVmm. Man. d'Ornitn. purr ii. p. (iiiO.—(.*/;. />%m</.a/i-.!, Hvnopsis
of Birds of United Stales, p. 325.
ifpoTTED.SANDPiPEB, Tbiît&a macularia, WUs. Amer. Ornith. pl. 59. fig. 1.
Spottkii Tatlkk or I'kkt Wkkt, XutfaU, Manual, vol. ii. p. 162,
Adult Male, l'late CCCX. Eg, I .
lîiU a littli- longer than the head, very slender, subcylindrical,
straight, flexible, compressed, the point rather obtuse. Upper mandible
wijh the dorsal line straight, the ridge convex, broader at thé
base, slightly depress, d towards thé end, the sides sloping, towards
the end convex, ttfo edges sharp, the tip slightly deflected. Nasal
groove extending over three-fourths of the length of the hill ; nostrils
basal, linear* pervious. Lower mandible with .the angle very long and
extremely narrow, the dorsal line straight, the sides grooved at the
base, convex towards the end, .
Head stfaA oblong, Eyes rather large. of moderate length.
Body rather slender. Feet rather long and slender ; tibia bare nearly,
half its length, scutéllate before and behind ; tarsus also scutellate before
and behind; hind toe very small and elevated ; fore tjSs rather
long, very slender, connected by basal webs, of which .the outer is much
larger ; secoSMe considerably shorter than fourth all.flat beneath,,
and màrginaté. Claws small, slightly arched, much compressed, rather
sharp, that of the middle toe much larger, with the inner edge
Considerable dilated-.
Plumage very soft, blemled, on the fore part of the head very short.
Wings long, narrow, pointed ; primaries rather narrow and tapering,
first longest, the rest rapidly graduated ; secondaries short, broad, incurved,
obliquely rounded, the inner elongated and tapering. Tail
of moderate length, much rounded, of twelve rounded feathers.
Bill greenish-olive above, "yellow beneath, the point of both mandibles
black. Eye hazel, fieet pale yeUowish flesh-colour, claws black.
All the upper.parts shining deep brownish-olive, the head longitudinally
streaked, the back transversely barred, with black. A line from
the bill to the eye and beyond it white, another beneath it dusky. All
the lower parts white, marked with numerous brownish-black spots,
smaller on the throat, largest and roundish on the breast and sides.
Axillary feathers pure white, lower wing-coverts white mottled with
dusky. Quills brownish-black, glossed with green, the elongated in-
ner secondaries like the back ; the primaries slightly tipped with white,
the secondaries, excepting inner, more distinctly so, the. white
farming on them ffi: conspicuous band. hour middle tail-feathers like
the back, with a band of black attlie end, the tip white ; the next pair
on- each side similar, with »the white tip larger ; the next W e d with
Juskyl§|hà outer web ; th.; lateral feather with the outer web white
similarly barred'.
¡Length to end of tail 8 inch.«, to end of wings 7|, to .end of claws
ij;;,extent.ofts^fe 131; wing fr(,m fl«ure A ' « 2 ; M al<mS the
ridp 1 ; .tarsus ',"1 ; hind toe and claw ft ; middle toe and claw 1 A.
Kenialo. : Plate CCCX. »if, 2.
There, is hardly any differ®« between tha-sexes.
The young in winter .have the bill black at thé end, dusky olive
above, yellow beneath : the feet, yellowish flesh-colour. The lower
parts are brownislt-uhite, without.spots ; the upper of the samebrownisMive
as in fte adult, but the head and hind neck destitute of streaks,
and the rest .with narrower and more numerous dusky bais.
Thetongueis 10 twelfths long, slender, tapering to a point, grooved
above., sagittate and papillateat the base. The roof of the mouth with a
single,row of papillae, posteriorly divided into two series* CEsophagus 3
inches and 8 twelfths long, .its diameter 2 twelfths, and nearly uniform.
Eroventriculus è inching, 3£ twelfths in diameter. Stomach elliptical,
,Sj twelfths long, twelfths in breadth ; its lateral muscles strong,
the tendinous spaces: oblong ; the cuticular lining with large longitudinal
rugae, and of a deep red colour. The contents of the stomach in this
individual were remains of marine insects, and quartz sand. Intestine
10 inches long, its diameter .varying from 1.4 twelfth to 1 twelfth; it
enlarges near the. rectum to 2 twelfths. Rectum 1 inch and 1 twelfth ;
coeea 1 .inch and 1 twelfth, their diameter | of a twelfth.
The trachea is 2 inches and <8, twelfths long, its diameter from 2
twelfths to 1 twelfth ; its rijigs 105, feeble,and unossilied. The lateral
muscles, extremely feeble ; stew-tracheals moderate ; a single pair
of.inferior laryngeal muscle?,