and considerably denuded in ¡thé frontal region, I could yet
perform on foot a journey of any length, were I sure that I
should thereby add materially to our knowledge of the everinteresting
creatines which haw for so long a time occupied
my thoughts by day, and filled my dreams with pleasant
images. Kay, Reader, had l a new lease of life presented to
me, I should chuse for it the very occupations in which I
have been engaged.
And, Reader, the life which I havè led has been in some
respects a singular one. Think of a person intent on such
pursuits as ruine, have been, aroused at early dawn from his
rude couch on the alder-fringed brook of some northern valley,
or in the midst of some yet unexplored forest of the west,
or perhaps 011 the, spffe and warm sands of the Florida shores,
and listening to the; pleasing melodies of songsters innumerable,
saluting the magnificent orb from whose radiant inlluonee
the creatures of many worlds seceive life and light.
Refreshed and reinvigorated by healthful rest, fee starts upon
his, feet, gathers,/up his store of curiosities, buckles 011 his
knapsack, should® his trusty firelock, says a kind word to
his faithful dog, and recommences his, pursuit of zoological
knowledge. Now the morning is spent, and a. squirrel or a
trout aHbrd him a repast. Should, ;th«\d*i)i. hp,warm, he reposes,
for a time under the shade,®! some tree. 'Khe woodland
choristers again burst forth into,song, and he starts aiief,
to wander wherever his fancy may direct him, or th^pbjects
of his search, may lead him in pursuit., When evening approaches,
and the birds are scon betaking th<»mselves to their
retreats, he looks for some place; pi^.safety, erects.his shed of
green , boughs, kindles Ms 1 firtv p h a r e s . his nionl,, and as the
I N T ? H ( ) D U 0 T I O N . ™
Widgeon or Hlue-winged Teal, or perhaps the breast of a
Turkey, or a stalk of venison, sends its delicious perfumes
abroad, he enters into his parchment-bound journal the remarkable
incidents and facts that haw occurred in the course
of the day:; » Darkness has now drawn her sable curtain over
the scene, his repast is finished, and kneeling on the earth he
raises his spul to Heaven, grateful for the protection that has
been granted to him and the sense of the Divine presence in
this solitary place. Then wishing a iipSdial good night tp all
the dear friends at home, THK AMKHICAN WOODSMAN'wraps
himself up in his blanket, and closing his eyes,; soon falls into
that comfortable sleep which never fails him on such occasions.
- Since I last parted from ypu, my exertions have been' unremitted,
and my rambles extended, as far as circumstances allowed,
fcr I have been ever anxious to render the fourth and
concluding volume of my Illustrations-as worthy of your approbation
as I could. Whether. I have,! added to our knowledge?
of the birds which constantly reside within the limits of
theiSnited States and their Territories, or periodic lly visit us
from'the South, it is yours to say. That I have left undone much
that might have 'been'accomplished by an abler student Pf Nature,
is doubtless quite true ; but that any would have prosecuted
the study- of our numerous feathered- denizens with more
good will or more sincere desire'to1'obtain facts and rectify errors;
would,' I tMhk''be> difficulty prove If my - Bndte ef
America," and S Orniithplpgi'cal 'Biography," are- Ipoked upon
by:you as having contributed in sPine degree tp the improvement
of our knowlege of these my favourite objects of observation,
-and as likely W'stimulate other and perhaps more sue