PRINTED ¡BY U I L Ç J I U ^ . fP J W W f *
THBEE years have nearly elapsed since I had the pleasure
of presenting you with the third volume of my " Ornithological
Biography" and about twelve since the first fasciculus of my
" Illustrations of the Birds of America" was submitted to your
inspection. This work, comprising four hundred and thirty-five
plates, and one thousand and sixty-five figures, was finished on
the 20th of June 1831, without the Continuity of its execution
having been broken for a single day, and the numbers having
been delivered with exemplary regularity ; for all which I am
indebted to my friend and Engraver, Mr ROBERT HAVELL. Once
more surrounded by all the members of my dear family, enjoying
the countenance of numerous friends who have never
deserted me, and possessing a competent share of all that can
render life agreeable, I look up with gratitude to the Supreme
Being, and feel that I am happy.
The adventures and vicissitudes which have fallen to my
lot, instead of tending to diminish the fervid enthusiasm of my
nature, have imparted a, toughness to my bodily constitution,
naturally strong, and to my mind, naturally buoyant, an
elasticity, such as to assure me that, though somewhat old,