the secondaries incurved* obliquely rounded, the inner much elongated
and acuminate. Tail short, graduated, of sixteen leathers. '
Bill light greyish-hlù^ïi" Iris hazel. Feet very pale flcslHcolour,
claws brownish-lilack. Fore part, of the head of a deep rich greeri, upper
part, rich bluish-purple*, of which colour also are the elongated feathers
on fore part and sides;; of the neck, the hind part of the latter
deep green .; a broad band of pure white from one cheek to the other
over the, occiput. The coloured parts of the head and .neck are splendent
and changeable. The rest of the .heck,, the lower parts, the outer
scapulars, and a large patch on the wing, including the greater part
of the smaller coverts , and name of the secondary coverts and quills,
pure, white, the scapulars narrowly margined with black, as. are the inner
lateral feathers. Axillary feathers brownish-black, some of(them
white on the margins and towards the end ; lower wing^èoverts brownish
black, the smaller tipped with white, The back, inner scapulars,
and inner secondary quills, velvet-black. The feathers on the anterior
edge of the: wing are black, narrowly edged with white;;; alula,
primary coverts, and primary quills deep black. The feathers on thé
rump gradually fade into greyish-white, and those of the tail are brownish
grey, with the edges paler, and the shaft« dusky.
Length, to end of tail 14^ inches, to end of wings; liJj, to end of
claws 15| ; extent of wpsgs 23 ; wing from (Insure (¡5 : tail i>| ; bill
along the ridge ulnng the edge of lower mandible tarsus lf^,
hind toe and claw A.; outer toe 2,'j, its claw f! ; middle toe 2, its
claw i'j ; inner toe and claw 1 iV Weight 1 lb.
Adult Female. " f i f e CCCXXV. Fig. 2.
The female is much smaller^ The plumage of the head is, not.
elongated as in the male, but theïe' j s a ridge of longish fathers down
theJosçiput and nape. Bill darker than that of the male ; feet ffisjr
ish-blue, with the webs dusky. Head,, upper part of neck, bind neck,
•back and wings, greyish-brown.; a short transverse white band from
beneath thé eye, and a slight speck of the same on the lower eyelid.
Six of the secondary quills white on the outer web. Lower parts
white, shaded into light greyish-brown on the sides j, %il dull greyishbrown.
Length to end of tail 13 inches, to eml of claws 13j, to end of wings
11]; extent of wings 22}. Weight 8 oz.
Individuals of bath sexes differ much in size, and in the tints of
their pluiuage.
. In an adult.wale, the tongue is 1 inch and 2 twelfths long, fleshy,
and of the same general form as; in the other ducks already described.
The .esophagus is (if inches long, passes along the right side, has a
diameter at the top of ;4i twelfths, enlarges about the middle to 9
twelfths,,send contracts to I inch as it enters the thorax. The proventriculus.
is 1 inch long,. 8 twelfths in,its greatest diameter, its glandules,
which axe of moderate size, forming; a complete belt, as in all other
ducks: The stomach is a muscular gizzard of a roundish form,; 1 inch
5 twelfths, long, 1 inch 4 twelfths in breadth ajits. lateral muscles &
twelfths in thickness ;.)its. epithelium tough, hard, and slightly rugous.
The intestine is 3 feet 11 inches long; its average diameter 3 twelfths,
its. walls thick,land iSs inner surface villous. The rectum is 3 inches
long.;; the cceca; 2 J inches in length, their diameter at the commencement
1 twelfth, towards the end 2 twelfths.
The trachea is 5 inches long, much flattened, its rings unossilied,
its diameter at the top 2 | twelfths, towards the^lower part 3 twelfths,
having scarcely any appearauce of dilatation at the part which is so
excessively enlarged in the Golden-eyed Duck, which in form and habits
is yet very closely allied. The lateral muscles are strong, and
there are cloido-tracheal and stemo-tracheal muscles, as in other ducks