thc*humorua ; and behind the *iiigs four others, extending to tlif last
'">'• Hranchós from tlúaé'piiss between the musclo.»", which |,résout
tho appearand' of having boon as it M ore diaîefcti»!. A cell ofonoVtmms
si/.o covers thi; side of tho abdomen, and another pair run down the
middle of it, separated by a jiartit.ion in the median lino. That part of
t h í ! « | Í f e . tissue which adheres to'-ffipbafiSiSf ffi« fbathoni-'is also
remarkably loose ; and, (!lbso?'to each of th'e:rh,'is a rminilisih aperture of
large size, cominimicatinti with the great cavities mentioned above.
Between the pectoralis; major and the subjacent.- musefe- is a large
terspaco formed by at§||kl$|§|Í The internal thoracic and abdominal
cells aro also very large.
On th'o roof of thé tnoutli axe five Sharp ríJgÉS' The nasal aperture
is I inch and 8 twelfths long, linear, with a soft longitudinal flap
"n each side. The tongue is extremely small, being only 7 twelfths
lóng, 1 twelfth broad, blunt at the extremity, and with two papillse at
the base. The bare skin between tho ortrrajiij' the mandiblesïs ©f the
same structure as that of the I'olicans aid Cormorants, J l H of small
extent,,ils posterior acute extremity not extending farther than that at
the base of the bill. The' aperture-of tins glottis is 71 twelfths lung.
The thyroid bono has am anterior curved prolongation, which projects
forwards, and from the extremity of which comes: the elastic ligament
by which it is connecteá with the hyoi.i bone. The oesophagus, a, 6, is 15
inches long, measured to tho c.ommime.omont of the proventricu'lus, extreme
®;/ dilated, its diameter 2J inches at the top, eorilniotinè' to 2
inches a.s it enters the thorax, its narrowest: part 1 inch 4 twelfths ; its
transverse miwular libres moderately strong. The provontriculus, e, </,is •
excessively large, 3f. inches long, its greatest diameter 21 inches. The
glandules are cylindrical, 3 twelfths long, forming a very broad belt,
separated however at its narrowest part by a longitudinal interval of 5
twelfths of an inch, and having three partial divisions on its lower
edge. The. greatest length of the proventricnlus, or breadth of tho
belt of glandules, is 2 ¡ ilfi'hes. The 'mucous coat of the jÉsophagus is
smooth, but thrown into longitudinal plicae when contractor! ; that of
the proventricnlus is cont i mums, ¡and of the same nature, being marked
with extremely minute reticulated lines, of which' the prominent
have a longitudinal direction The stomach, properlysó called, de. is extremely
síttájl being only l inch 9 twelfths long, and about the same
breadth. ItS inner coat is similar to that of the oesophagus and pro-
ventrieulns, being .lestituto of epithelium; several large mucous crypts
are scattered over fesurfax* Tie pylorus is small, having a diameter
of nearly 3 twelfths, and a marginal flap or v a lve ^one side. Themtgfr .
tino f,'/ ft. is of mod orate length, measuring S 3 inches. The duodenum
at first 2'aases upwards in the direeuonof the liver for 2 inches,/>, * then
recurved for 3 inches,.?,A, asfc'ends for 1 inches, A,«, ami receives the biliary
ducts, then pa*«* toward tho spine amlfotnns a curvature. The average
diameter of t h e ^ t i n e is S twelfths af the upper part, and it
H i — to 3 twelfths. The rectum, measured to the anus
i s 5 , inches. It gradually enlarges from 4toQ« twelfths. The dtoaca, m,
is globular, 9 twelfths long, 8 twelfths broad. The oceoa arc 3 twelfths
long, l i twelfth broad.
The lobes of the liver are extremely unequal, as is always the case
when the stomach or the provontriculus is excessively large, the right
lobe being 2 j inches long, the left 1 inch and 8 twelfths. The gall