560 t e n g m a limps owl .
the e d g e s -M^ d l -towards the Sefl® incurred, with a- notch „„ each
Side-dose-Jo the abruptly-rounded tip Nostale broadly ^elliptical,
i n which bulges coiiMdera'bh- behind
The head % extremely large, roundrsh, when Vwjred from above
somewhat triangular; the eyes lasget The conch'of the ear v<iyj%e, .
of m elliptical form, extending.from the base of the lower jaw to near
the top' of the head, being an inch and a quarter & fegth with an an
terior semicircular operculum stretching along its wtole length, and an
elevated margin behind. T & ^ i ^ l g i ^ a ^ J f c ,„,y
, very slender, but both appear very full o i f t a $Mt of the Va^t mass of
plumage. Tie^ei are rather ^oW, and strong; thk tarsi and toes
covered with very soft' downy feathers, the ext remi t id&lhe latter with
two scAtella. T H claws "afe^lfeder, tapenpg to a fine point, compressed,
and curved.
The pl'mmtgo is full,
v e r y r f t , and bletided ; the feathers broadly oblong and rounded. The
wings axe rather loi^, very broad, much rounded; 'the third primary
the fourlh almost equal, t i | | |g§i§; foliA^iftW an inch
shorter, the first e q u a l ^Ae seventh, the barbs-Si"tffi outer web of
the i r s t , of half the second, and the terminal part of the third, free and
recurved. Tail of moderate length, arched, sligh%roundedfe#f t w 3 |
broad, rounded featherSI|!j
B»greyish-brown, yellowish-whitest the end; claw| yellowishbrown,
their tips dusky* ThegferSl colour of the upper parts is greyistebrown:
tinged with The feathers of'&e head have an elliptical
central white spot; th&ie «sf the neck are similarly marked with
larger white spqts, ,of which spme are disposed so as to form a semicircular
band; tfee scapulars hav(j |w£ or four large r o u n d ^ s ^ ' i W a r the
end, and some of the dorsal feathers and wing-coverts have, single spots
on the: outer web. All the quills have nWfihai w H t e j j ^ « both
webs, g a n g e d if transverse series, there being six on the outer web
of the third quill On the tail are five series of transvei^ty elongated
narrow white:spots. The disk is yellowish.white, anteriorly black ; the®!
Kfilff yelhSvish-white, mottled with dusky. The throatfe brown,' the
chin whit® The general colour of the lower parts is yellowish-wMte,
longitudinally streaked with brown, some of the feathers of the sides
have two white spots near the end; the tarsal and digital feathers greyish
yellow, with faint transverse bars of brown.
Length to end of tail 11 inches; wing from flexure 6} J ; bill along
the ridge 1; tarsus {I; hind toe fa its claw A ; middle toe fa its
claw jV
Adult Female. Plate CCCLXXX. Fig. 2.
The Female resembles the male, but is considerably larger.
VOL. IV. N n