the above facts, and many equally curious, which I have mentioned, respecting
the variations exhibited by birds in the manner of forming their
nests, as well as in their size, materials, and sitiwtion, it will 1». seen
that differences of this kind ¡ire not of so much importance as has
hitherto been supposed, in establishing distinctions between specie's
supposed by some to 1«: different, and by others identical. To give
you some definite idea of what I would here: impress :upon your mind,
J&eed. only say that I- have scon nests of the Barn or Chimney Swallow
placed within buildings, under cattle-sheds, against 111« sides of
wells, and in chimneys; that while sons were not more than three
inches'deep,, others measured nearly nine ; while in .sonic there was
scarcely any grass, in others it formed nearly half of their bulls. I have
also observed some nests of the Cliff Swallow in which thfe«||s had
been deposited before the pendent neck wis added; and which remained
| | until the birds had reared their brood, ainidst other nests-furnished
with a n«k,: which Was much lontrfef ill some than in others:
From this I have inferred that nests are formed more or less complmoly,
in many instancoji in accordanco with the necessity under which
the. bird may bo of depositing its eggs.' '
iriKi.ni«, j„Ai.«isisra, ..Stem®. S.vnopw ot'-M.-xirau Birds I'MW. Mag. for.JB27,
p^ 365. •
Adult Male. Plate iGCCLXXXv!" Fig. c " '
Bill | e | | short, much depressed and very broad at the base, compressed
toward the point; of a triingular form, with the lateral outlines
nearly straight; upper m.'mriil.ifivitli the dorsal lino considerably convex,
the sides convex-Howard the end, the edges sharp and overlapping,
with n. slight but distinct notch clSstVto the deflected acute tip; lower
mandible with the angle very broad, the dorsal lino ascending and
slightly convex, tie riige broad and a little conseSe at the base, narrowed
toward the tip, which is acute. Nostrils basal, lateral oblong:
Hea4 rather large;' roundish; neck' very short; body slender* ^ f t g
very small,; tarsus very short, anteriorly scutellate, compressed ;-t6es
free, small,"theflateral equal, the first stronger / claws rather, long,
arched, much compressed, very acute.
Flumage %oft" and blended, (dtf the upper parts'somewhaf've^ety. '
Wings very long, extending far beyond the tail, very narrow, slightly
falciform ; the primaries tapering to an obtuse point ; the first quill
longest, the second almost equal, the rest rapidly diminishing ; six of
the secondaries- émarginâte^: Tail of moderate length, emarginate, the
middle feathers four-twelfths shorter than thé lateral ; all rounded.
Bill black ; iris brown .; feet dusky. : The,upper/part of the head deep
green gradually shaded into the dark purple of the hind neck ; the back
ricli grass-green, the rump and upper tail-coverts carmine purple. The
smaller wing-coverts are dusky, broadly tipped with green, glossed with
purple ; the quills and larger coverts dusky, glossed with blue ; the. tail
also.dusky, glossed with blue; A line over the eye, the cheeks, and all
the lower parts,:, are pure white excepting the lower wing-coverts, which
are light grey. ^..
Length to end of tail 4{§, to end of wings b-h ; bill along the ridge
along the edge of lower mandible ; wing from flexure 4T
2 ; tail
to end of middle feathers 1 to. end of longest ; tarsus ; hind toe
<h( its claw A ; middle toe ft, its, claw
Adult Female. Mâe -CCCLXXXV. . Fig. 5. •
The Female is somewhat smaller, and differs considerably in colour.
The upper part of the head and the hind neck are light greyish-brown
glossed with bronzed groon ; the back bright green as in the male, the
rump grcyish-bnAvn ; the wings and, tail are as in the male,1 but less
glossy ; as are the lower parts, which are, however, anteriorly tinged
with grey.
•!'.; .'.îilïëngth to end Mf tail '4^, to end of wings 5 ; wing from flexure 4J,
tail .