spring and autumn, Some few spend the winter in Lower Louisiana,
but nearly all proceed southward beyond the Texas.
Trinca IIimajstopcs, CA: H'.mparte, Svfiopais ofBirds o/L'nitod Stato», p. 316.
Tringa lloror.A»Hii, Suwimtn, Doubias's Sakiipipkh,Biémih,and Smms. Fauna
lior.-Amer. voL.iL. 379.
Trincia HiMASTOSas, Siender-shanks Sandpiper, BUitmtf. and Swaim. Fauna
Itor. Amor. vol. :i. 380.
1.0»« I-KOBBII SASri)piper, At iil bok'» Htij.t Sakiipii'Eh, and I)oi:oi.asìì' Stil t
Sandpiper, NvMaU, Manual, vol. ii. p. 138, 140, 141.
Male in Spring. Plate (ICC XI,IV. Fig. 1.
Bill miteh longer than the head, very slender, subcylindrical, very
slightly docurved, compressed at the base, the end rather depressed,
considerably enlarged. Upper mandible with the dorsal line almost
straight, being very slightly deturvod towards tl}® end,, the ridge narrow,
convex, flattened towards the tip, the ggej; sloping, with a narrow
grjipvc extending nearly to the end, the edgtis rather blunt and
soft, the tip desurved. Nosjtrils basal, linear, pervious. Lower mandible
with the angle long and very narrow, the dorsal line straight,.'$!)-
wards the end »lightly deflected, the sides sloping outwards, with along
narrow groove, the tip a little broader.
Head small, oblongs compressed.. Jggjs small.. Neck rather long.
Body slender. . Bfeet long, very slender; tibia hare for an inch; tarsus
long, slender, compressed, covered before ¡mil behind with numerous
small scutella ;, hind toe very small, the restart tnndorate length,
slender, the second very slightly longer than the fourth, the third very
.Jttble longer:; short basal we^s, running out along the margins, that
between the third and fourth toes larger. Slaws rather long, very
slender, slightly arched, t apering, compressed.
. . lilumage very soft, blended ; the feathers somewhat distinct on
the back. Wings very Ioi|g, pointed; primaries tapering, the first
longest, the second slightg shorter, the rest rapidly graduated ; outer
secondaries slightlv. incurved, obliquely sijmate on the outer web towards
the end, the inner web rounded ; inner secondaries vsgigf narrow,
tapering, reaching to three-fourths of :$n inch. ^ the longest primary
when the wing is. closed. Tail of moderate length, nearly even, but
with the two middle feathers exceeding the rest by two and a half
twelfths of an inch, of twelve narrow, rounded feathers.
Bill black. I * Wown, Fëet dull yellowish-green, claws black.
The upper parts affe brawnish-blâck,. Àe: feathers margined with reddish
white, the edges of the scapulars with serriform markings Of the
same; rump and upper tail-eorerts white; transversely barred with
dusky ; tail light r e p the feathers f iM? St the base and along, the
middle. Primary quills and their coverts brownish-black, the inner
tinge,d with ^ the,:?haft'o'Ç the outer primary white,.secondaries
brownish-grey, margined with reddish-white,, the. inner dusky, A broad
whitish line over the. eye ; loral band dusky; auricular« pale brownishred;
forepart and sides of neck, .greyish-white, tinged with red, and
l o n g i t u d i n a l l y streaked with dusky; the rest of the lower parts pale
reddish-brown, transversely barred with dusky ; the middle of the breast
and the .abdomen without markings. Dimensions of five individual* r
Length to end of tail,
' WiAgS, • :
. . L . v . . . . . . ' c l a w s , H , H
(^IliîtïlllSsIlîpj;; .. -v: i; ' r»V . ' I ,
Weight, of an individual,
. Ǥ<
n i m l o 10Ì l o j
16f 16 154 ti':, 16
2f ozs,;; 1
Female, l'late CCCXI.IV. Fig. 2.
The female is considerably larger, but otherwise resembles the
male. Dimensions of five individuals.
Length to end of tail, ... •
.< .*. wingS, . ,ïi,,;,vij;
104 , M , lQf 84
131 ' 12 è M; 12§ H Î
18 164 16f 164 17|
Exteirt::<É'8SÉpl '''" " ' •«i ' *
WeightîÉ two individuals, 4 f f e 3f oz.
10f U | 114 10i
The winter plumage differs considerably:,; the bill, iris, and feet, are
as above. The upper parts: are brownish-grey, the head narrowly
streaked with dusky,«, the rump as in summer ; thé scapulars plainly
margined With whitish ; the quills as in summer. The band over the
ieye lighter, the loral space grey ; the fore part and sides of the neck
greyish-white:, longitudinally streaked with grey, the sides similar, and
with the lower tail-coverts barred with grey, the rest of the lower parts
Length to end of tail in a male 9' inches ; extent of wings 16J ; wing