Thisoa mkt.vktk:a, JA®. %stf
t ¡¿0^1,0%. Ind. • fitoith. voi.sii.
Tintisi sfttfAxAjtoLAj Ltrni. Syst Nat voL * p. 252 ^-Lath. Ind. Ómitk-vOl, ii.
ISi ac.k bki.i.u;ji l'r/ovVht, Cha'radilius HKLvKTrixs, Tli?,-. Àmer/'Ornith. voi. vii.
1 P- pi. 59, ifig. li. JSaminer.
<.'i!AHAi)Hii:s helvìsticus,-«®,.¿Bwutpwie, iSynopsis oi'-Bmls rif Kiiitod State»,
p. 2SS. I
t'UKY I.AI'WISG, Vaskuj s mi:!.4.voba.stkb, Rìihtir'v.-nnd Strains. ¡Fauna Bor.-
Armir. \ol. il. p. 370.
lìi..ACK-BELi.TED'or'SwiSii Pt.ovéìl, .AV'fift, Planimi, vói. iì. p. 26.
Adult Malpeli summer-. Piati-'CieeXX XIV. ¥%. 1.
®ill as long irs l i e heai; tìtiafgHt, ¡sojut'wiirft i-ompfowseil, -stout.
®pper manéible .With ibi» dorsal lino straight and slitfhàv-sloping'for
more than half its iurigth, then 'bulging-« litrlo-tfmd : anibcd t» fife 'tiji,
which is-rathér "acute,-tJife sides i à t ' a ì i ii -sloping' at-fiie bhsci, 'cmiviYx to'-
wards the end, w.h«n- (sire t4iarp ami iiHll'iìiite.- Nava'l groove
extended' to a little more than half" the length of till'inaliditili; : n us wife
»ub basal, ii-noiir. o|H-n and pi-riióiis. - -Lower lmitniibk Hvi-fli'tlic -sìiglè
rathur long and narrow, ¡the sides at the tese- «rent inni -ìirtttfy flat, 'Hie •
dorsal line èatìnfliag and SightlysejJnTéXj ilio eihres sharp «tiil ¡rivoluto
towards rthe nairmv ¡tip.
Head in' mo,lenite. sia«, roundfeh, the tforéhèad nmi'h roum'le'd.
Eyes farge.- N'e# railiér Short Body ovate," rat'bor ¡'nil. Feet ra&èr
long, slender ; tibia bare Ìor a oonsiderahlfe space ; tarsus rather compressed,
novenni nil round -with riCiciilated liesagonii scales-; toes di'
moderate limgtih, -siiirrior : thè first -iijetfnmek- direimitire, \Vith an
equally minute claw; thii second shorter than tini fourth, which is?
much i-xt-i-i-dod-by the third; the anterior tons aro ratlinr broadly marginate,
t t e web feetweffn ¡the third and fourth extending to tho second
joint of till! iattor, that ImlwOon ft ahd the second .smaller, ©laws'
small, .compressed^1 -slightly ari-Inni, acute.
Plumage .--«¡ft-,- Ijleiidiiil. the feathers broad and rounded. Wings
t a n g and ¡pointed, primary quills tapering, the tìt-st longest, 'thè sBconfi
»«quarter of ,an inch shorter, the -rest rapidi graduated ; secondaries
short, tooaà, .oMiijuely -rounded,»; the inner tapering atid elongated.
Tail rather short. Slightly rounded, of twelve rounded féaihèiSi
Bill and elaWs black. Iris atod feet greyish-black. Forehead
yellowish -white, the • «I * » : Mead H M Wnâ -nook greyisbmÊÈÊÈÊÈ
With dusky, n upper parts M M M M ¡ § |
B U M H ^ ^ B and white, -the feather, being tipped wth
fiie Hatter; The -hind part ©if the the upper « f e ooer t s , and the
tail-feathers, white, tra^versely l»arr,,l with .bnmnish-blank, the g
tipped with white, and haymg four dark bars on the middle feathers,
and .«m en or eight ou tho outer-we!,s pi the .rest. Alula, pnmwy
oovofts, .ami prinuiry -quills brownish-black, tho coverts terminally margined
with white ; shafts of tho-primaries about tlm middle, and part
of the inner web towards the base, white ; .he inner si* .with a white
patch on the.«mer web towards « b a s e , and margined with wh«e e*-
— ; the.outer'secondary f-.atl.or« -»bite at the base and margined
with the same'; the inner dusky, with marginal white triangular spots.
A narrow ring-round the eye, and a broad -longitudinal band on the
side of the netk white ; loral space, cheeks, fore part of nock, W s t ,
and axillur feathers, black ; the restrdf the lower parts wbito, the lower
prijiLaç,f;^)Terti grey towards t^e.ehd.
Length to end of tail l l f inches, to end of wings to -end of
claws 14; e*t»i^« wings 25 ; Wing from Hosurc 81 ; tail 3j ; bill
along the ridge ï l , «long the edge,rf lower mandible 1J ; bare -part of
¿ b i a | ï tarsus sâï; hind t ® y ; middlestoe limits clawè i-Outer toe-and
claw 11 i inner toe 1. Weight -6i m.
The Female reseml.los the male, but has the black of -the lower
parts of a less deep tint.
Young about a week old. Plate CCGXXX1V. l'-ig. 2.
liill and foot dull'gi-cenish-brown. Iris brow» The general colour
is pale brownish.yellow, mottled with dusky ;, a whitish ring round
the eye; tail with a black band, rump whitish, primary quills dusky,
the outer edges of the sneumlaries whitish.
The young in autumn.
Hill greyish- black ,; .feet, bluish-grey, The upper parts brownishblack,
j o t t e d with v ^ i f e some of tihe spits- ;yellbw ; the wings and
tail as in the adult, but the latter tinged with grey, and h-arang eight
dask bars oft all the feathers. The fore part and sides of the neek,
and the sides of the body» greyish-white, mottled, with brownish-grey ;
axillary feathers brownish-black; the rest of the lower parts white.