dentally .surprised, ® riso obliquely - o u t R leg » g t f i j with the nc.-ek
greatly knit downward, and although $ legs dangle for a while, they
are afterwards extended behind in the manner of those of the Heron
tribe. At such times these birds are easily shot; bni if they are only
wounded, it would fee vain'.to pursue them, Although of considerable
sizie and weight, they.an- enabled, by the great length and expansion
of their toes to walk on SSis'broNid leaves of the largerigpeei&j of Nympha
a found in that country. They swim with the same buoyancy as
the Ooolii ¡ S a l&t a ^ a n d Bails.
The nest of this bird is placed among the larger t ® of the tallest
grasses thai grow a f ; ' for t distances from the bayous, many of which
are influenced by the R t i d e s of the Gulf It is so well fastened tQ
the s temsBthe pi»®; in the Same manner,as that of Balks crepitans,
as to-fee generally |ectoe from inundation; and is composed of rank
weeiSs matted tog||hCT, and forming« large mass, with a depression in
Tke eggs, which rarely'¡eiceed five or,sE&^eflarge for
the size of the bird. The young are hatched early in .May, mid follow
their parents soon after birth, being -covered with coarse tufty feathers,
of a black colour.
The Eyer-glades abound with a speciWof large greenish snail, on
which these birds principal ly«!; and, from the great, number of
empty shells which are tbund 'at the foot of the nest and around it|
i t is probable that the sitting bird supplied with food by her mate.
Their notes, when uttered while they are on wing, are a sort of cackle,
but when Oil the ground, much louder, especially during tlx: pairing
SettOUj or when they are started by the report of a gun. The flesh
of the young is pretty good'eating. Although J f is alleged that this
bird occasionally alights on trees, I have never seen it in such a situation,
Ardea s«ii.opack», Gmd. 8yst. Xai. vol. i. ;,.t>17." r.iith. In.!. (truth. v o l . p . 701.
A rami:.» 5C(it.oi'ACKi:a, r*. Ilomp. Synopsis, of Birdsr of Uuiiod (j:atas, p. 39,
Scoloi'a«:oc» Coi.hlax, AHAKnl i l ^ ^ lAf ^ jMa ^ .Ame r . Ornith. vol. 1».
p. Ill, pi. 26, I fA^ J ^ i f i f j liiaiiual,.^!. ii. p', 68.
Adult Male. Plate CCGI.XXVII.
Bill long, being double the length of (lie head, rather slender, but
strong, much compressed, straight, its breadth less before the nostrils
than towards the point ; upper mandible with the dorsal line straight
until towards (lie end, then slightly arcnato-decliiiate, the ridge convex
; in its « hole length, the side« .nearly erect, more convex towards
the extremity,, the tip blunted,, the -edges broad and obtuse for half
their length j sharp but thick in the rest-of their extent ; lower mandible
slightly ascending at the base, then direct, much compressed towards
thé tip, which is acute, the angllglong and very narrow, the
dorsal line slightly convex, - the edges'obtuse, becoming sharp towards
the end. Nasal gro..ve nearly half the length of the bill.; nostrils
direct, linear, long.
Mead rather small, oblong, compressed. Eyes rather large. Neck
long and slender., Body ovato-oblong, much compressed. Feet very
long and slender, rather stout ; tibia bare in its lower half, which is
anteriorly covered- with hexagonal scales, posteriorly with transverse
sentella ; tarsus long, compressed,¡ anteriorly with numerous broad
scutêllâ, laterally will«very small elongated scales,, posteriorly with
large scutelliform scales, ; many of which are divided ; toes long, rather
'slender ; hiñd: -toe small and' elevated.; fourth considerably longer
than, second, middle toe nine-twelfths an inch longer than the
ifetS" ; the: anterior; toes -are divided to the base, • compressed, seutelbite
above, «caly on the sides, papillate -beneath, compressed and not
margínate, Olaws of moderate length, very slightly arched, compressed,
tapering to a point ; that of the first toe smallest,, of the third
largest, without: serratures on the inner edge, which is thm and a little
Plumage of ordinary texture, rather compact and glossy on the
upper parts, blended on thep lower ;. feathers on the head and neck
short, oblong the back ovate and very broadly rounded. Wings
of moderate length, very broad, concave, rounded ; primaries broad,
secondaries very broad and rounded ; first primary two-thirds of the
length of the .second, which is ten-twelfths shorter than the third ; the
fourth, which is longest, exceeds the third by one-twelfth, and the
fifth by- half a twelfth ; some of the secondaries reach to half an inch
of the tip of the longest primary when the wing is closed ; the three
outer quills are narrower toward the base than toward the extremity,
moré especially the first. The tail is short, broad, convex, rounded,
of twelve broad,, rounded feathers.
Hill grecnish-uillow. dusky toward the end of both mandibles, but
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