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I'l.ATj? CCCI.Viri. fc's-ASD T-V..«••-.
I n VVu.sox\ time,, this beautiful bird was rare in Pennsylvania:
but since then i t lias occasionally ,)>#en seen i;i eonisidorable numbers,
and iu the .winter of 18-3Bniy yoiityfi friend J. TrddeAu, M.I), pro
eured si-voraJi iii^t 1»<; -^eiMityjf Philadelphia. That season also they
were abundant in the States of KFsw York and Massachusetts. 801110
have been |irwiir<!ii near the mouth ¿(j the Big .©uyaniotte on the Ohio?
and Mr N b t t a l l has: observed it on the lower parts, of. the Missouri.
I have ascertained it to be a constant resident in the State of Maine,
and iiavo mot with it on several islands in the Bay of I-imdy, as mi !
as in Newfoundland and Labrador. L)r Richardson- mentions it as
having been observed by the Expedition in the 50th parallel, and « a
fiigstant resident at Hudson's Hay. U ¿ i indeed the hardiest bird of
its.tribe yet discovered in North Ameiica, where own. the Kose-hroa.sted
Grosbeak, though found during, summer in Newfoundland and Labrador,
removes« in autumn :ti> countries farther south than the Tteas,
wjtere as late! as the- middle of Mags I saw many in their richest plu
mage. •
The Pine 'Grosbeak is a charming songster, Wsll do 'I remember
how delighted I felt, while lying on the moiwerfa'd' rocks of Newfoundland,
near SB Goofgo's Bay, I listened to it." continuous lay; so late as
the middle of August, particularly about sunset. X was reminded of
the pleasure I had formerly enjoyed'on the banks of (he clour Mohawk,
under nearly similar eiivumstatiees, when lending an attentive: ear to
the mellow notes of another: Grosbeak. Biit, Header, at Newfoutcdt
land I wa.-' still farther removed frotu my beloved family ; theis&enery
around was thriqe-wilder and more magnificent. The stupendous dark
granite rocks? fronting ftsmorth, as if bidding defiance to the wintry
tempests, brought a ChillntSSJ to my heart, as I thought of the hardships
midured by those Intrepid travellers who, for the advancement of
science?- had braved the horrors, of the polar winter. The glowing tints
of the western sky, and the brightening stars twinkling over the waters
of the great Gulf, rivotted iu,e to the spot, and the longer I gazed the
more X wished .|0 remain; but darkness was suddenly produced by the
advance, of a mass of damp tog, the bird ceased its song, and all around
seemed, transformed into chaos. Silently I groped my way to the beach,
and soon reached the Ripley.
The young gentlemen of my party, accompanied by my son JOHN
Woodhousk, and a Newfoundland Indian, had gone into the interior in
search of Rein IJeer, but returned the following afternoon, having found
the flies and musfiiitoes-intoieralble. My son brought a number of Pine
Grosbeaks* of difiVront sSxes, . young and adult, but all the latter in
®>»ult, aindTpatched with dark red, ashy black and white. It Was euritfQS
to,sej§" how covered with, sores: the legs of the> old birds of both sexes
were. These, sores or excrescences, are, I believe, produced by the
resinous matter ¡fgthe lir-trees on which they obtain their food. Some
specimens had the hinder part of the ,tarsi more than double the usual
size, the oxcrc.-icertcos could not. be removed by the hand', and I was
surprised-1 hat. the birds had not found means of ridding themselves of
Such, an inconvenience. .One of the figures; in my plate represents the
form of.thosc sores.
, I-.wm-assured that during, mild winters, the Fine Grosbeak isrfound
in the forests of Newfoundland in considerable number*, and that some
remain during the most severe cold. A lady-who hailresided there many
jeaBS, and who was fond of birds,,- assured,me that she had kept several
males in cag.es..; that they soon became familiar,, would sing during the
night, and-fed on all-, sorts of fruits and berries during the summer?
and oiitigieds of various kinds in winter-:; that they were fond of bathing;
but liable: to cramps ; and-that they died of sores produced around
-their eyes, and-the base of the upper man.lihlo. I have observed the
samc.to happen to the Cardinal: and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.
The-flight, of this bird is undulating and smooth; performed in a direct
line, when it is migrating, at a Considerable height above the forests,
and in groups of from five to ten individuals. They alight frequently
during the day, on such trees as-, are opening their buds or blossoms.
At, such times tlioy are extremely. gentle, and easily approached; are
extremely fond of bathing, and whether 6» the ground or on branches,
mpjve-jby short leaps.., I hat e been- mulch surprised to see, on my having
firgd, those that were untouched, fly directly towards'me, until within
a few feet,, and thou- slide of and alight on the lower branches of