L O U I S I A N A T A N A G E R , T A N A G R A L U D O V I C I A N A , WUs. Amer. Oroith. v/ii. iii. p. 27,
i jK l l t^i.
T A N A G R A i.fjHiriciASA, Oh. Ilifi'tj."^, Synopsis of Birds of United States, p. 105.
L O U I S I A N A T A N A G E R , JVuttail, Manual, vol. i* p. 471.
Adult Mule, in Spring. Fig. 1, 2.
Bill rather short, robust, tapering,, compressed toward the end, acute.
Upper mandible with its dorsal outlin<^f|gelinate aitd slightly convex,
the ridge rather narrow, the sides convex-, the edges sharp, overlapping,
with two slightly prominent Sihall festoons about the middle, and a distinct
notch close to the tip, which is a littio decimate. * Lower mandible
strongs with the angle short and wide, the dorsal line straight,
the back broadly <:>mvo.x,'the..^idcs convex, the edges sharp, the tip
acute. Nostrils round, basal.
Head- rather largo, ovate, flattish above; neck igpy^fiort; body
ovate, compact. Legs shortish; tarsus short, compressedj rather stout,
with seven anterioi scutella, and two lateral plat®»- forming ail acute
edge behind; its«» of moderate 'length; middle tee longer than tarsus,
lateral toes much shorter and equal, hind toft stout. '¡Maws rather large,
arched, much compressed,, acute.
l'lumage soft, blended : feathers of fhefhead stiffi-sh with silky lustre;
bristles at the base of the' tippet1* mandible small. Wings of ordinary
length, the second quill longest, the first four having the outeF web attenuated
towards the end; i%<tandarie3 slightly enjarginate. TailTathef
long, straight, emargindto,' of twelve feathers.
Hill dull greettishwyeltow, brown along the ridge. l-Vet greyishblue.
The head all round is of a beautiful rich carmine, fading;:*gTadually
on the nape, paler on the throat and fading mi the fore neck ;
the rest of the neck, all the lower parts, two bands on the wing, formed
by the middle co-verts, and the extremitiivof the secondary coverts,
togther with the rump ami upper tail-coverts pure bright yellow. The
anterior half of the back, the scapulars, two bands on the wings, and
the inner secondaries black, the latter broadly margined at the end and
tipped with yellowish-white ; alula, primary coverts, and primary quills
chocolate-brown, margined with ytllowigfewhite; tail black, the feathers
narrowly tipped with greyish-white; and slightly Margined toward
the end with yellowish-white.
Length; t® end of tail 7 J inehes , wing fiom flexure tail 8; bill
along the ridge ¿ . a l ong the edge of lower mandible ft; tarsus A ;
hind toe A. its claw middle toe A, its claw T%.
The female which has. not been described, or figured before, will be
seen on Plate CCCC, f i g . 4. The bill' is' dusky brown above, light
•rruyish-yellovv beneath. The head, ear-coverts, and hind neck, dull
green, as is the rump ; the middle: of the back and the seapulars greyish.
Imnvn tinged with green. Anterior wing-coverts greyish-brown;
middle coverts black with the extremities, dull yellow, secondary coverts
and inner secondaries blackish-brown, tipped wift,,greyish-white ;
alula, primary coverts, and primary quills chocolate-brown, slightly
edged with brownish-white ; tail-feathers similar, .but margined with
yellowish-green. The lower parts are light dull greenish-yellow, the
sides tinged with grey.
Length to end of tail (¡J inches; wing from flexure 3 A ; tail ;
bill along the ridge A ; tarsus. A ; middle toe and claw A.