Ta b . X X IX . l'ig-, i.
P a r . c a p ite c r is ta to , g itld , p e c to r e , abdomine medio, s h i g d u tr in q u e colli, sca p id a r ium maculis,
a lis, ca u d a q u e a tr is , h is albo n o ta tis ; dorso s ca p u laribusque v ir e s c e n ti-g r is e is ; g e n is , s tr ig d
su p e rc ilia ri, m a c id d n u ch a li, abd om in isq u e la ie r ih iis J la v is .
S t a tu r a p a u ló m in o r P a r . m a jo ri.
O ne o f the largest sjiecies of P am s which has yet been discovcrctl. is the very jiretty sjiecies given in this
Plate, fig. 1., equalling in size our well-known P ams major, to which Pams Xanthogcnys bears :i close
resemblance, and from which it differs chiefly by its crested head. Tlie brilliancy o f its colouring is not
siirjiassed by that o f any o f its congeners, and its mode of life assimilates strictly to tlie habits of the Pari
in general.
The head is furnished with a full crest of black feathers; the occijiut, sujierciliary strijie and cheeks, are
yellow; the ear-eovcrts black ; the back olive ; the wings and tail are black, the former being sjiottcd with
white, the ta tte r tijijied with w h ite ; a broad black line jiasses down the throat and extends along tlie middle
o f the abdomen; the sides o f the chest, and Hanks arc jiale yellow ; the beak and legs black.
T a b . X X IX . Pig. 2 .
P a r . c a p ite , collo, p e c to r e , abd om in e medio, a lis re c tric ib u sq u e a t r i s ; g e n a r um ma cu ld la id
nu ch a liq u c p a m d , te gm in um r em ig um sccunduriaruni re c tricum q u e apicibus, e t rem ig um
p r im a r ia r um re c tricum q u e , la te ra lium p o g o n iis e x te r n is a lb is ; ab d om in is la te r ib u s J la v is .
SL a tu ra pnBccdeiUis.
T he higher regions of the Himalayan Mountains are rejiorted to iis as being the localities througli which this
sjiecies is chiefly distributed ; wlieiiee its sjiecific name lias been derived, to distinguish if from its congeners
of the lower lauds. It may a t once be observed to be closely allied to the Pams major of Eurojie, but tlie
accurate naturalist will easily detect characters iu the bird whicli lay ample claim to its being recognised as
a new and distinct sjiecics.
Ilie top of the licad, the occiput, the base of the neck, the throat, breast and a broad abdominal line are
je t b la c k ; tlic checks and a small occipital jiatcli white ; the liack is o live ; the wings black ; the edges of
the coverts white so as to form a bar across the shoulders ; the quills are tijqicd with white also and edged
with blueish ; the tail is black with a blueish tinge, the edges of the two outer feathers and the tijis o f all
being white ; the flanks are yellow; the beak and tarsi black.
Both these sjiecies are figured of the natural size.