T a b . X IX .
P e t r , g e n is , dorso, alis c a u d a q u e n ig r i s ; p e c to r e , abdomine , crisso, uropijgioque r u f s ; capite
su p rà , J u g u lo , reg io n eq u e ca rp a li a la rum cano -la zu lin is ; ma cu la ala rum a lba.
L o n g itu d o corporis, 6 t u n c . ; alec., 4 ; ro s tr i, 1 ; ta r s i, i ; caudce, 3.
T his bird is ratlicr less in size than the P e tro d n ch saxatilis o f the Euro|)can Continent. In the disposition
of its nmrldngs it departs from the typical species o f the gcims, and appears to ally itself to that of Phcenkimi.
I t is a rare species ; and .although it occurs among tlic moiuitaiiis, iviiciice we have received two specimens,
it is not confined to them, but is found equally in the low lands, the collections o f Colonel Sykes and Major
Franklin containing several specimens. We have nothing more to add regarding its habits, except that, like
tlie rest o f its congeners, it frequents rocky and stony districts.
As all the specimens hitlierto brought to this country hai-e strictly resembled each otlier, we arc led to
conclude that there is no sexual difference in the colour o f the plumage, though it is possible that only males
have as yet been collected.
Its food is said to consist of various species of insects, to wliicb most probably are added the berries and
fruits o f plants indigenous to alpine districts.
The top of the head, the occqnit, the throa t and shoulders, arc of a beautiful lazuline blue ; the cheeks and
back black, as are also the wings, with a broad white bar across the secondaries. The tail is black, with a
slight bloom o f the same blue which occupies the head ; the breast and tbc whole of the under parts, tlie
rump and tail-covcrts, are full bright rufous ; the beak is lilack ; the tarsi brown.
Tlie Plate rejiresents a bird o f tlie natural size.