! • 1:1 y r . r .
T a b . L V I I .
V in . su p rà oliváceo-, su b tiis fa v o - , v ir id is ; ca p ite in f r o n t e p e c to r eq u e a u r e is ; a la rum te c tric ibus,
regioneque in te r s c a p u la r i v inac eo-purpure is ; cauda cuneata.
L o n g itu d o corporis, 15 u n c .
Although this species of Vinago will be remarked as greatly resembling that which is figured in the next
Plate, Its wedge-shajied tail (th a t o f Vinago militaris being square,) offers a very distinct ciiaractcr of
difference between them; Vmago Sphenura also is strictly confined to the liiglicr regions o f the Himalaya,
while the other has been frequently received from the low districts around them : the former therefore must
undoubtedly be considered as a species new to science. As such, it has been figured in the “ Century,” though
Its beauty of form and colouring render it, in point of exterior appearance alone, by no means unworthy of
being illustrated.
The head, neck and cliest, are greenish yellow, the top o f the head and breast having a tinge of golden
orange ; the top of the back, and wing-coverts, vinaceous purple ; the back tail-coverts, middle tail-feathers,
scapulars and gre a te r wing-coverts, olive green ; the quills brownish black ; tbe outer tail-feathers incline to
The bird is figured of the natural size.