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:p :i 1: V 8 J i A :i i b a t a - j e i f s i s ,
T a b . L I .
T he collection among „ l.ich this bird occnrred. has afforded ns an opportunity of ascertaining that this
spee.es o f Wootlpeeker, which was first described by Dr. Lathan. in 1801 from a speeimcn in tbe British
Mnscnm, is fonnd equally In the higher regions o f tlie Himnlaya and in the lowlands snrronnding then,, to
the latter o f wh.ch it has hitherto been thonglit peculiar. The only acconnt published respecting i't is that of
Ur. Lntliain, wlio states it to be a native of the Maliratta country, but witliout any iiistory of its habits and
manners. I t is to be regretted that in the present notice we are unable to give any additional information.
1 he male has the top of the head and occiput s c a rle t; the cheeks and throat dull wh ite ; the whole o f the
iipjier surface is black, with mal spots of white so disposed as to |iroduce a barred appearance ; the tips of
the tail-featliers inclining to s c a rle t; tbe sides of the chest are broivn ; the flanks and thighs white, streaked
with dashes of brown ; the centre o f the abdomen s c a rle t; beak and tarsi brown ; length inches.
In the female, the scarlet head of tlie male is exchanged for dull yellow.
Both sexes are figured of the natural size.