S U B S C R I B E R S .
A c k e r m a n , Mr. r . a ,
Alc-xander, E. Esq, Simex-place, Rcgene$.pari.
Allis, Mr. Thomas, York.
Ames, Levi, Esq. Ilere/ord-strcel, Pari-lane.
Audubon, J. J, Esq., F.R.S.L. and E,, F.L.S.
Backnell, G. Esq. Bermondsep-strcct.
Bailliere, Mr. J. B. Rigcnt-slrcet.
B.k=r, T. B. L, E,,.. r.G.S. a , « ,
Banks, D. Esq. AdtlphUerrace.
Beilby, Knott and Deilby, Messrs. Birmingham.
Bell, Jacob, Esq. OxJ'ord.itrcet.
Bell, T. Esq., X-’.R.S,, F.L.S., F.G.S. N™ Broad-slrcel.
Bengal Artillery Library, The.
Bickerstetb, R. Esq. Uverpaol.
Blackett, P. C. Esq. Grean-UrtU, Grosvtnor-%quarc.
Boiam, W. Esq. Neireast/c.
Bond, Mrs. I>ewnshirt-place.
Boone, Mr. W. A'no Bond-slrecl.
Bowler, Col. H. J. Soxuluimplon.
Bradford, the Right Hon. Uie Earl of, D.C.L., &c. Weston Hall,
Brandling, the Rev. R, H. Gosforth House, Northumberland.
Brandling, ^V. R, Esq. Gos/orih Lodge, Northumberland.
Bree. Robert, M.D., F.R.S.. F.A.S. Geoxge-street, Hanover-square.
Broderip, W. J. Esq., B.A., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. Raymond-build.
ings, Gray’s-inn.
Bromley, Sir Robert, Bart. Sloie Rarh, Neuxarh.
Bucclcuch, His Grace the Duke of. Dalkcith¡ i,-c.
Buck, G. Esq. Glasshays, Lyndhurst, Hampshire.
Burdett, Lady. St. Jameds-place.
Burrough, Sir James. Laverslock House, IViltshire.
Bushnan, J. S. Esq. Dumfries, N. B.
Cabbell. B. B. Esq., F.S.A., F.H.S., ?cc. Brkk-court, Tenxple.
Caledon, the Rt. Hon, the Earl of, K.P., F.H.S. &c. CaUdon
Castle, Tyrone, Ireland.
Calthorpe, the Rt. Hon. Lord, F.H.S. Ampton Park, Bun, St.
Edmund's, Suffolk.
Cambridge University, Tlio.
Cambridge, The Philosophical and Natural History Society of
Campbell, W, F. Esq., M.P., F.II.S. Wood H all, Lanarkshire, <^c.
Carlisle, the Very Rev. the Dean of, F.R.S. Hillingdon, Middlesex
Carnarvon, tl.e Rt. Hon. the Eari of, F.H.S. Highclere House,
Hampshire ; ^-c.
Carpenter, Miss. Old Bond-strcet.
Charleviile. the Right Hon. the Earl ol) F.R.S., F.A.&, Pres. R.I.A.
Charleville Forest, Tdlamore, Ireland.
Cliathnm, Pliiiosopliicul and Literary Institution. The.
Clieaniioy, 11. Esq. Lismore, Ireland.
Ckrondoi,, th. E,. H „ , j j , j
viorganshire ! i^-c.
Clark, W. B. Esq. Bel/ord H all, Northumberland
Clarke, Sir S. H. Bart., F.H.S., M.R.I. Ald-Hck Place, Do^nor
Sussex. ’ ° ’
Clarke, W. S, Esq. St. John's Cottage, Wallingford, Berks.
Clerk, Sir George, Bart., M.P., F.R.S,, F.L.S., &c. Pennucuick
Hmae, Edinburghshire.
Clitherow, Colonel. Boston House, Brentford.
Cock, S. Esq. London Dock House.
Colliiigwood, II, J, -W. Esq. Lilburn Tower, Northumberland
Cooke,P.D. Esq.. F.L.S., F.H.S.,&c. Oxston,Doncastcr,Yorhs),ire.
Cooke, R. Esq., F.II.S. Kentish Town.
Cooper, Sir A. P. Bart., F.R.S. Conduit-stieet, andGadesbridgc,
Hcmcl Hempstead, Herts.
Cooper, (he Rev. Sir \V. H. Bart., M.R.I. Porlland-plaee.
Copland, A. jun., Estj. Twickexdmm.
Cottle, J. T. Esq. Mancheslcr-street.
Cox, J, C. Esq., F.L.S., F.H.S. Montagu-squax-e.
Cox, R. H. Esq,, F.II.S, Grosvcnor-plaee, ax,d Hillingdon, Mid-
Coxwell, E. Esq. Oxford.
Craven, die Rt. Hon. the Earl of. Charles-street, Bcrkeley-square.
Cummiiig, Lady Gordon. Clax-enilon Hole!, Old Bond-slrecl.
Currer, Miss. Gaxgrave, Skipton, Yorkshire.
Cuvier, llie Baron, Grand Officier de la Légion d'IIonneur, Secrétaire
perpétuel de l’Académie des Sciences, &c. Pax-is.
Dartmouth, the Rt. Hon. the Earl of, F.R.S., F.A.S., &c. Sandxxell,
Staffordshire, 4~c.
Davciqiori, Davies, Esq., F.H.& Coux-l Gardens, Great Marlow,
Buckinghaxnshire , »$•<:.
Davidson, II. Esq. Bndon-slrccl.
St.Jameds-square; and Wx es
Davis, Dr. Royal-crescent, Bath.
De Grey, the Rt. Hon. die Counu
Faxk, Selsoe, Bedfordshire.
Ds J r a y , p , i „ p „ d „ a , r x .S . mmfwd. Ew„.
De In CliBunictle, H. Esq.
De la Fons, J, P. Esq. George-slrcet, Hanover-snuarc.
Dopuies, the Rev. J, Eton.
De Tabley, tbe R t Hon. Lord. Tablexj House, Knutsford, Cheshire.
Dixon, Dixon, Esq. Lox,g Benton, Northumberland.
Dobice, Boiiamy, Esq,, F.H.S. Bedfoxd-square.
Dover, the Ht. Hon. Lord, M.A., F.R.S,, F.A.S., &c. im iehall ■
axtd Roehamplon, Surrey.
,1.. Mo., Noblo ,1,0 M„d ,io „.„ „r. Had
Park, Bracknell, Bex ks.
Drummond, C. Esq. Grosxntnor-placc, and Baehanipton, Smrcy.
Duncan, P. B. Esq., M.A., F.G.S. New College, Oxford.
Durant, G. S. E. Esq. Brighton, Sussex.
Ao R,. Hon. Lo,J, F.II.S. a .I! ., U a .iilo ,
Caennarthenshire! ije.
East India Company, the Honourable.
Edinonstone, Robert, Esq. George-street, St. Jamcds.
Egremont, the R t Hon. the Earl of, F.R.S., F.A.S., Ac. Pclworlh,
Ellis, E. Esq. Glouceslcr-place.
Enipson, C. Es(¡. Collingwood-street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Eyton, T. C. Esq. Eyton, Waltinglon, Shropshire.
Ferrand, Walker, Esq. M.P. Harden Grange, Bingley, Yoxkihixc.
Fiennes, the Hon. W. T. T„ F.L.S., F.H.S. Broughton Castle,
Finch, C. Esq. Staines, Middlesex.
Finch, the Hon. Lieut. Col. Grosvenor-street.
Fitzgibbon, die Flon, Richard, M.P. Belgx-ave-square.
Filzwilliam, the Hon. W. C. Wentivortli. Milton, Peterborough,
Northamptonshire, ^c.
Foot, J. Esq. Dorsct-squarc.
Forbes, Sir Charles, Bart, M.P., F.II.S. Edix,glassie, Aberdeenshire.
Forde, Col. M. Scnforde, Clottgh, Ireland.
I’owlis, Mrs. York.
Fox, B. Esq. Beaminstex-, Dorsetshire.
Fox, die Hon. Miss Caroline. LiUlc Holland House, Kenslngtox,.
Fox, G. T. Esq., F.L.S. D«iv5o»i.
Fryer, the Rev. W. Victor, D.D. Soulh-slreet, Grosvenor-square.
Gage, theRt. Hon. Viscount, M.A., M.R.I. F irk Place, Sussex, S¡c.
Gilbert, the Rev. G., hl.A., M.11,1. Richmond, Surrey.
Giles. W. Esq. Wadham College, Oxford.
Gladdish, T. N. Esq. Slangate, Laxxibclli.
Glynne, Sir Steplien, Bart, Hawarden Caslk, Flintshire.
Geodail, the Rev. Joseph, D.D., F.A.S., F.L.S., F.H.S., Sic. Prov.
Eton Coll., Etox,, Bucks.
Gordon, the Hon. Capt., R.N. Savile-streel.
Gray, J. Escj. Hyile, Middlesex.
Gray, J. E. Esq., F.R.S,, F.G.S., &c. &c. British Museum.
Greenaway, E. Esq, Bishopsgaic-strecl.
Greenland, Messts. G. and A. Poxdlry.
Griffith, E Esq., F.A.S., F.L.S. Graxjs-xnn-square.
Hide, R. B. Esq. Cottles, Melksham, Wiltshire.
Halford, the Hon. Ladv. Curzon-slreel, andWeston Glen, Lckcstcx-
Hamilton, J. Esq. Berners-slrcet.
Hampden, the Rt. Hon. Viscountess. Grecn-streel.
Flarding and Lcpnrd, Me.ssrs. Fall-mall East.
Hardwicke, Major Gen. Thomas, F.R.S., F.L.S., F.R.A.S., &c.
7’hc Lodge, South Lambeth.
Hatchett, Charles, Esq., F.R.S.L. & E., F.S.A., F.L.S., &c. 5cc.
Belle Vue House, Chelsea, and BuUinglon, Lincolnshire.
Ilearne, J. Esq. Rolhcrhilhe.
Heathcote, J. Esq. Conxiiixgton Castle, Sliltoxi, Hunlixigdonskhe.
Iletlley, R. Esq. Bradley H all, Northumberland.
Henson, the Rev. Francis, B.D. Sidney College, Cambridge.
Heron, Sir Robert, Burt., M.P., V.P.Z.S,, F.L.S., &c. Stxxbtoxx,
Hewitaoii, Middleton, Esq. Newcastle.
Hind, Martin, Esq. Newton-green, Leeds, Yorkshire.
Hobson, G. Esq., F.H.S. Harky-place.
Ilotlgsoii, B. II. Esq. Civil Service, Bengal.
Iloffnann, J. Esq. Ilaixoxxr-terraec, Regexifs-park.
Holbech, II. II. Esq. Papa--buildings, Temple.
Holden, E. A. Esq. /¡sloxt Hall, Sbardlxrw, Derbyshire.
Holford, R. Esq. Knightoxt, Nrwporl, Isle o f Wight.
Hollingsworth, llie Rev. J. N. Bolden Rectory.
Holme, F. Esq. Meysey Hampton Rectory, Faixford, Gloucestershire.
Holme, Dr. Manchester.