' I ’ 1 (• r •-> ;i;i v i ’ .k r v t .i ;i r r .
. l/« / f t/ó n ,T /r
T a b . L .
M a s. P ic . corpore su p ra n ig ro , albo-maculato, su b tu s ru fc so cn ti-h a d io ; capito crissoque coccineis;
s t r ig a u tr in q u e p e r oculos e x t endentó a lb a ; m a n d ib u là su p e r io r i n ig r a , in fe r io r i alba.
Fcein. C a p ite n ig ro albo-lineato.
S t a tu r a P ic . inedii, L in n .
T h is pretty little Wood,,eckcr possesses a peceliarlty i„ Its colouring not observaWc throngho,,. Ho wl.ole of
t , e family o l P i c d x ; its breast, »■Inch m most o f the species of He genus is of an obscure hue, being of a
Inely red I h e male and female are alike in His cha ra c te r; bn. Hey e.xhibit considerable d ilferenccsI, the
colours of the bond. H e crmvn o f the male being bright crimson, „bile Ids more „„assuming mate possesses
a less gatiily head-dress of black and „ b ite . With reference to the habits o f H e birds of His species trees
are stated to he H e ir constan, habitation, „ h e re , like He ir European congeners, they live on insects nnti their
attm ; and it is added th a t the most luxuriantly „ooded ,,arts o f the Mimnlaynn range are the pri„ci,,al
localities in winch they have lieen observed.
n , e male has the top o f the head and baek of H e neck scarlet ; Ho tliroa, ami a mark extending from the
t e e of He b, through the eye, „ d.e ; H e hack and tvings black, prettily barred „1.1, „ l.itc ; Ho tall black.
H e outer feathers having tvl.ite bars ; the breast, sides of the neck, and under surface ta.vny rnfons ; the
under tad-eovcrts scarlet ; the np|,er mandible black, the Imvcr yelloivish „ h i te ; the tarsi black
The female, as has been before observed, differs from the male in having He top o f the head and baek of the
neck black, thickly dotted with small points o f wliite.
The male and female are figured o f the natural size.