lliiliiiesilülc, tlic Rt. I Ion. Viscount, M.P. Mviilreal, Kcn!.
I lüfdci'ii, llic llcv. P.: for tlie Clieetimni Oltl Líbrnry.
Ilüskins, W. Esq., M.A. Wigmore-slrcct.
Howard, the lion. Col., M.P., P.R.S., F.A.S., &c. AshUadPari,
Epsom, Siirrei/ ; ^-c. ^-c.
Hoy, J. linriow, Estp, l-'.L.S. Midanbury, Soidhamplon.
I liimc. Sir A., Barí-, F.R.S.,'F.A.S., F.L.S., F.M.S., F.G.S. IliH-
slreet; and IVonnIybtiry, Herís.
llimie, (i. \V. Esq. Long Acre,
i Inssey, P. Esq. ISryley Grove, SlaJbrdsMrc.
llydriibnd Book Society, The. Judia.
Islicrwootl, Rolicrt, Esc]., F.H.S. IUgbgole, Middiesc.r.
Jumes, Mr. E. juii. U-ebridgc.
Jnrdine, Sir Willinin, Bart, F.R.S.E., F.L.S., &c. JardinelJoli,
Jnrrett, J. Esq., F.H.S. Mareitind, Surrey.
Jenkinson, Mrs. J. B. Durham.
Jesse, Edward, Esq. The Lodge, Ilamplon Court.
Kennedy, Sir Robert. Henrietta-streel.
Kensington, E.jun. Esq. liridgc-stieel, lilacifriais.
Kidd, Dr., M.D. Oxford.
Kingsford, K. Esq. Upper Bcdford-place, Eidsell-squarc.
Kiikaldy, A. Esq. Bishop Wcarmouth, Northumberland.
Kirkjiatrick, G. Esq. Kcston, Kent.
Knight, Mr. C. IkU-tnall East.
Latham, John, M.D., F.R.S., A.S., & L.S. Winchester.
La Touche, Lieiit.-Colonel. St. Jaiiies's-sguarc.
Lawson, Mansfeldt De Cartlonnel, Esq. CiamUnglon, Northumberland.
Lendl, G. Esq. Grajlon-slrcct, Titzroy-square.
I.ender, J. T. Esq. King-street, St. James’s.
Lear, Mr, E., A.L.S. Albany-strect, Regent's-park.
Leeds, I-Iis Grace the Duke of, K.G., F.H.S. Hornby Castle,
Catterick, Yorkshire.
Lcgli, W. Esq. JVindsor, Berks.
Le Marchaiit, Miss, llomforil, Essex.
Lewis, J. H. Esq.. F.II.S., M.R.I. Albany.
Librairie des Etrnngers. Paris.
Linniean Society of London, The.
Lisbumc, the Right Hon. the Earl of. Lisbume House, Devonshire.
Lombe, E. Esq., F.H.S. Melton H all, Wymondham, Norfolk.
Longniaii, Rees, Orme, and Co. Messrs. Paternoster Jiote.
Losb, Robert, Esq. Jesmond, Northmtberland.
Lolbiaii, the Most Noble the Marquess of. Newballlc House, Mid-
Lovibond, G. B. M. Escj. Manchestei-square.
Luscoiube, J. Esq. Coombe Royal, Kingsbridge, Devon.
Lygon, tlic Hon. Col., M.P. Springhill, liroadteay, Worcestershire.
Mackintosli, — Esq. Manchester.
Mackwortb, Sir Digby, Bart. Cavendish Hall, Sudbury, Suffolk.
Manchester, His Grace the Duke of. Kimbdton Castle, Huntingdonshire.
Mangles, Robert, Esq., F.H.S. IVhitmore Lodge, Sunning Ilili,
Marryatt, Miss Fanny. Wimbledon.
Marryolt, Capt. Frederick, R.N., F.R.S., F.L.S. Langham House,
Holt. Norfolk.
Marson, T. F. Esq. Cumbcrland-terracc, Regcnt’s-jKtrk.
Mill, Major.
Mills, J. jun. Esq. Woodford Bridge, Essex.
Mitford, Robert, Esq. Russell-square.
Moore, T. Esq. York-lerrace, Regent’s-park.
Moore, W. Esq. Ncxcasile.
Morgan, J. Esq., F.L.S. Broad-streel-buildings.
Mund}-, C. Esq. Burton, Loughborough, Leicestershire.
Miisignnno, Charles Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of. Rome.
Neyle, G. Esq. Upper Harley-streel.
Norman, Miss. Benwell Tower, Norlhumberlaxid.
Northumberland, IlisGrace iheDuke of, K.G., F.R.S., F.A.S.,&C.
Alnwick Castle, Northumberland-, ^c.
Offley, F. Cnnliire, Esq., M.P., F.H.S. Madeley Manor, Newcastle.
Ogilby, W. Esq., B.A., F.L.S. Trinity Coltege, Cambridge.
Ogle, the Rev. John Savile, F.H.S. Kirkley, Northumberland.
Ord, J. P. Esq. Edge H ill, Derby.
Orford, the Right Hon. the Earl of. WoUerlon Park, Norfolk.
Ouselcy, the Right Hon. Sir Gore, Bart, F.R.S., F.S.A., &c.
Woolmers, Hatfield, Herts.
Palmer, R. Esc]. Holme I ’ark, Reading.
I’arbury, Aden, and Co. Messrs. Lcadcnhall-sircet.
Pennant, G. H. D. Esq., F.H.S. Penrlyn Castle, Caernarvonshire.
Percy, the Hon. Capt., R.N. Connaught-tenace.
Perkins, H. Esq. F.L.S., F.H.S,, &c. Springfield, Surrey.
I’cltigrcw, T. J. Esq., F.R.S. Savile-slrect.
Phillipps, Sir Thomas, Bart., F.U.S., F.A.S., F.L.S., &c. Middle
H ill, Broadway, Worceslerskire.
Pomfrct, the Right lion, the Earl of, F.R.S., F.H.S. Easlon-
Neston, Toweester, Northamptonshire.
Poulett, the Right Hon. the Dowager Countess. Poidelt Lodge,
Prickett, R. Esq., M.R.I. Octon Lodge, Sledmere, Yorkshire.
RftdcUffii Library, Tlie. Oxford.
Ramsbottom, J. Esq., M.P. Woodside, Windsor.
Read, W. H, Rudston, Esq., F.Z.S. Prickley H ull, Doncaster.
Reeve, J. C. Esq., F.II.S., M.R.I. Mickkham Hull, Lcaihcrhead.
Reeves, Joliii, Esc],, F.R.S., F.L.S., Stc. Chpham Old Town.
Reeves, John, jim, F»scj. Clapham Old Tmen.
llenclleshain, the Right Hon. Lord, F.H.S. Rendksham Hall,
Richardson, John, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. Chatham.
Richardson, Mr. J. M. CornhiU.
Ricketts, Movdaunt, Esq. Circus, Bath.
Rolle, the Right Hon. Lady, Bickton; Slevcnstone, Torrington,
^•e. Devon.
Rollisclnid, Mrs. N. M. Stanford H ill, Middkse.r.
Rous, the Hon. Mr. Hertford-slrecl, Pnrk-lane.
lUippell, Eduard, Dr. Pranlforl-on-ike-Maine.
Russell, F. W. Esq., F.H.S. 2G Curzon-slreet.
Rutter, J., M.D. Liverpool.
Ryan, the lion. Sir Edward. Calcutta.
Salvin, Bryan T. Esq. Burn Hall, Durham.
Saiulbach, H. R. Esq. Woodlands, Aigburth, Liverpool.
Scarborough, the Right Hon, the Countess of. Sandbeck-Ballery,
Yorkshire, &c.
Scott, J. J. Esc). Devonshiie-placc.
Selby, P. J. Esq., F.L.S., F.II.S., &c. TwizcU House, Norllmmberland.
Selsey, the Right Hon. Lord, Captain R.N., F.R.S., F.H.S-, &c.
West Dean, Chichester, Sussex.
Seton, R. Esq. Upper Norion-sircet.
Shore, the Hon. C. J., M.R.I. Ikrtman-square.
Shore, the Hon. F. J. India.
Smith, F. Esq. Elmhurst Hall, Liclificld, Staffurdshiie.
Smith, G. Esq., M.P., F.H.S., &c. SeUxton, Suxrey.
Snodgrass, Thomas, Esq. F.R.S., F.H.S., &c. Cheslexfeld-slrcel,
Socketl, II. Esq. Swansea, South Wales.
Somerset, His Grace the Duke of, D.C.L., F.U.S., F.A.S., F.L.S.,
&c. Bxdslrodc Park, Ducks.
South African Public Library, Tbc. Cape of Good Hope.
Soutli, J. F. Esq. F.L.S. St. Thomais-streel, Borottgh.
Spencer, iheRight Hon. Enrl,K.G.,LL.D., F.R.S.,&c. Wimbledon,
Sxirrey.- i|-c.
Spry, llie Rev. J. H., D.D., F.H.S. York-ieirocc.
Stanley, the Right Hon. Lord, M.P., LL.D., Pres. L.S., Z.S., &c.
Knowsley, Lancashire.
Stevenson, Mr. Thomas. Cambridge.
Stokes, C. Esq., F.R.S., F.A.S., F.L.S., &c. I'ernlam-huitdings,
Strickland, A. Esq. Boynton, Burlington, Yorkshire.
Strickland, N. C. Esq. Lincoln Culkge, Oxford.
Stuart, J. Esq. Edward-sheet, Portmun-squarc.
Swainson, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S. St. Albans, Herts.
Tankerville, tlie Right Hon. the Earl of. ChilUngham Castle,
Taylor, the Right Hon. Sir Brook. Gloueesiei--gate, Rcgenfs-park.
Tennent, Col. Russell-place, Fitzroy-square.
Territt, \V. Esq., LL.D. Chilton Hall, Clare, Suffolk.
Thackeray, the Rev. George, D.D., F.L.S. Prov. King’s College,
Townsend, W. Esq. Clarence-terracc, Regent’s-park.
Trevelyan, Sir J. Bart., F.H.S. WalUngton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ;
Trcuttel, Wiirtz, and Co. Messrs. Soko-squarc.
Tull, S. Esq. Fenchurch-slreet.
Tynte, C. K. K. Esq., M.P., F.A.S., F.II.S., &c. Ilalsiveil House,
Bridgewater, Somersetshiie.
Upton, the Hon. Henry. Hill-sheet, Bakeley-squarc.
Voilé, A. B. Esq. Beltdrasna, Old Castle, Meath, Ireland.
Vigors, N. A. Esq., M.A., F.R.S., M.R.I,A., F.L.S., &c. &c. Ches-
ler-lerracc.—2 copies.
Vivian, J. C. Esq. Cox Lodge, Northumberland.
Wail, C. B. Esq., M.P., M.A., F.R.S., &c. Norman-court, Stock-
Wall, the Rev. F. S., B.C.L., F.H.S., &c. East Actoxx, Middlesex.
Warden, T. Esq., M.R.I. King-street, Portman-squaxe.
Waterhouse, A. Esq. Old Hall-street, Liverpool.
Way, D. Esq., F.H.S. Dexxhaxxi-placc, Uxbridge.
Wells, W. Esq., F.II.S. Rcdkaf, Tunbridge, Kent.
Wentworth, J. Esq. Lower Seymoxti-strecl, Portman-square.
Wernerian Natural History Society of Edinburgh, The.
Wheeler, J. 11. Esq. Oakingham, Berkshire.
Wilde, Mrs, Thomas, Guildford-streel.
Williams, Major Molyneux. Pcxxbcdw Hall.
Williams, O. Esq., M.P. Craxgydon, Angksca; 4c.
Wilson, E, Esq. Abboft's Hall, Kendal, Westmoreland.
Wilson, J. Esq. Rytoxx, Dxxrham.
Wilson, Miss Lctitia. Stamford H ill.
Witlmni, W, S. Es(|. South Lambeth.
Wolhiston, the Rev. F. 11. Upton House, Saixxlwich, Kent,—2 copies.
Woodificld, M. Est], Durham.
Worcester, the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of, D.D. Worcester
PaUicc, 4-c.
Yarborough, the Right lion. Lord, 1MI..S,, M.R.I, Brockksby,
Brigg, Lixxcolixsbxre : 4'v.
Yarrell, W. Esq., F.L.S. Rydcr-street, St. James's.
York, The Subscription Library of.
Young, G. W. Esq. Caxionbxiry-srjuare, Islixxgton.
Zoological Society of London, The,