T a b . X V I I I .
T h is interesting bird lins hitherto been but little seen ¡n collections. It is a si,ecic.s having man, synonyms,
and almost as many generic appellations ; and in adding that o f Cinchmmi,, wc consider ourselves borne out
by Its strong resemblance in form and other essential characteristics to tlic various species of tliat genus.
General Harclvvicke informs us that it is known in India by the name of Ruw'd-Khwj, or Rawil Kuhy ;__
by the English residents it is called the Laughing C rm\ from tlie circumstance of these birds assembling in
numbers of hveiity to Sfty, and making a noise closely resembling many persons laughing together. I t is
common in the forests between Hiirdwar and Sircciiagur, and feeds on tlic fruits there met with.
The plumage o f the bock, wings, and sides is olive-brown; on the tail the brown is tliat of um be r; the
head is ornamented with an elevated crest of rounded feathers ; a Hack line passes from the base o f the
beak tlirmigli the eyes, and occupies the car-coverts excepting tliis black mark, the whole o f the head is
white, as arc also the throat and b re a s t; the feathers o f the crest as they approach the occiput appear as if
slightly washed with Indian ink ; the whole of this white space Is bounded by a band o f rufous, broad a t the
back of the neck, narrower down the sides, and broad on the breast, which loses itself In the olive brown of
the rest o f the body ; beak and tarsi black.
Total length, I I inches ; wings, 5:1 ; beak, 1-;-; tarsi, H ; tail, 7-\-.