<£ I I E IR A .
E p i p a c t i s grand if'Jora
vrom Bauer M. JS01.
G E N E R A .
Parts of the unexpanded flower of E P I P A C T I S GRANDIFLORA ;
from a drawing by Mr. Bauer in 1801.
1. A side view of a young bud with its bractea, about a month before
fecundation; magnified 4 diameters.
2. The same bud, with its sepals and petals removed, the labellum
only enclosing the parts of fructification ; magnified 4 diameters.
3. Front view of the parts of fructification of the same bud; magnified
8 diameters.
4. Side view of the same; magnified 8 diameters.
5. Front view of the separated anther; magnified 8 diameters.
6. Side view of the same; magnified 8 diameters.
7- Transverse section of the same ; magnified 8 diameters.
8. Some pollen grains of the same anther, which in this species are
perfectly spherical; magnified 200 diameters.
9. Some utriculi of the lining of the stigmatic channel in the virgin
state ; magnified 200 diameters.
10. Side view of the bud of Epipactis pallens, with its bractea, about
10 days before expansion of the flower ; magnified 4 diameters.
11. The same bud with the labellum only; magnified 4 diameters.
12. Front view of the parts of fructification of the same bud ; magnified
8 diameters.
13. Side view of the same ; magnified 8 diameters.
14. Longitudinal section of the same ; magnified 8 diameters.
15. Front view of a ripe and bursted anther of the same bud, at the
time of fecundation, the pollen masses of one cell of the anther
extracted ; magnified 8 diameters.
16. Transverse section of the same anther; magnified 8 diameters.