T A B . IV
The parts of Fructification of O C T O M E R I A G R A M I N I F O L IA
a n d BAUERI (Gen. and Sp. of Orchid. PI. p. 10) ; f r om a
sketch made by Mr. Bauer in 1820 and 1821
1. Front view of an expanded flower; magnified 6 diameters.
2. Side view of the same; magnified 6 diameters.
3. Side view of the column, labellum, and ovarium, the floral envelopes
having been removed ; magnified 12 diameters.
4. Front view of the same ; magnified 12 diameters.
5. The upper portion of the column with the anther lifted up to shew
the pollen-masses lying beneath it upon the back of the stigma;
magnified 24 diameters.
6. The pollen-masses separated by force ; magnified 24 diameters.
B. OCTOMERIA BAUERI, ( 1 8 2 0 .)
1. Front view of an expanded flower; magnified 6 diameters.
2. Side view of the same; magnified 6 diameters.
3. Front view of the column and labellum; magnified 12 diameters.
4. Front view of the column, the anther having been removed; magnified
24 diameters.
5. Side view of the same with the anther in its natural position.
6. Vertex of an anther; magnified 24 diameters.
7- Back of the same, shewing the part where it is hinged to the column.
8. Pollen-masses in their natural position; magnified 24 diameters.
9. The same spread open ; magnified 24 diameters.