DendroLium speciosurn
G E N E R A .
TAB. V I .
The parts of Fructification of D E N D R O B I U M SPECIOSUM
(Gen. and Sp. of Orchid. Pl. p. 87); from a sketch by
Mr. Bauer in 1793.
1. A front view of an expanded flower; magnified 4 diameters.
2. A side view of the same.
3. A back view of the same.
4. A side view of the column and labellum, the floral envelopes being
removed; magnified 4 diameters.
5. A front view of the column ; magnified 10 diameters.
6. The lip and the column in the expanded flower seen from above;
magnified 6 diameters.
7. The lip forcibly expanded; magnified 6 diameters.
8. The face of the anther with the pollen-masses visible ; magnified 10
9. The same, with the pollen-masses fallen out.
10. 11. The pollen-masses ; magnified 10 diameters.