Coelia Baueriaiia
The parts of Fructification of C I E L I A BAUERANA (Gen. and
SJJ. of Orchid. PI. p. 36); from a sketch by Mr. Bauer in
February 1810.
1. A side view of the unexpanded flower; magnified 4 times.
2. A front view of an expanded flower; magnified 4 times.
3. A side view of the same, shewing the relative position of the column
and labellum, the sepals and lateral petals having been removed.
4. A front view of the ovarium and column of an expanded flower;
magnified 8 times. This represents the appearance of the ribs of
the ovarium and their relative position.
5. The same seen from behind.
6. A front view of the column and anther; magnified 16 times. This
shews the exact form and position of the clinandrium and anther
before impregnation. The two elevated spaces below the anther
are the stigma, which by reclining upon the anterior edge of the
clinandrium almost closes up the stigmatic cavity.
7- A back view of the same.
8. A view of the clinandrium and anther after impregnation, with the
pollen-masses falling out of the anthers; magnified 16 times. (In
this figure the two sides of .the column are represented of unequal
size; this was inadvertently drawn upon the stone, but is not to be
found in Mr. Bauer's sketch.)
9. A side view of the column before impregnation; the stigma is seen in
front in the form of an ovate lobe, upon which the closed anther
10. A front view of the expanded anther; magnified 16 times.
11. A back view of the same.
12. 13. Two views of the pollen-masses fallen out of the anther, shewing
their dilated extremities and the manner in which they curve outwards,
so that each pair forms a sort of hollow case; magnified
16 times.