G E N E R A .
The parts of the flower of V A N I L L A PLANIFOLIA ; from a
sketch by Mr. Bauer in 1807- This and the next plate
illustrate the structure of V A N I L L E . ®.
1. A side view of an expanded flower of Vanilla planifolia; natural size.
2. Front view of the parts of fructification of the same flower; magnified
4 diameters.
3. A profile view of the same; magnified 4 diameters.
4. A profile view of a longitudinal section of the same; magnified
4 diameters.
5. Front view of an anther; magnified 6 diameters.
6. A profile view of the same; magnified 6' diameters.
7. Longitudinal section of the above; magnified 6 diameters.
8. The pollen-mass of one cell of the anther; magnified 20 diameters.
9. Several pollen grains; magnified 200 diameters.
10. Side view of a longitudinal section of the parts of fructification and
the labellum ; magnified 2 diameters.
11. The end of the labellum expanded by itself; magnified 2 diameters.
12. Transverse section of a portion of the column, and the tube formed
by its adhesion to the labellum ; magnified 6 diameters.
13. Transverse section of a portion of the ovarium; magnified 8 diameters.
14. Longitudinal section of a portion of the ovarium; magnified 8 diameters.
15. Longitudinal section of the two-lobed placenta; magnified 25 diameters.