G E N E R A .
The parts of Fructification of O N C I D I U M B A U E R I ; from a
sketch by Mr. Bauer in 1804, from a dried specimen.
1. An expanded flower; magnified 4 times.
2. The column, with its lateral wings; magnified 16 times. In this
figure the pollen-masses are seen naked, in consequence of the
anther having fallen off.
3. A side view of the same, with the anther in its natural position ;
magnified 16 diameters.
4. A vertical section of a portion of the column; magnified 16 diameters.
This shews the stigmatic cavity and its position with
respect to the pollen-masses and the gland.
5. A view of the face of the anther, the pollen having fallen out; magnified
16 diameters.
6. A side view; and 7> a v' e w f r o m below, of the pollen-masses, the
caudicula, and the gland; magnified 16 diameters.