The parts of the flower of S P I R A N T H E S SPECIOSA, illustrating
the Tribe N E O T T I E J E ; from a sketch by Mr. Bauer in
1. A side view of the ovary, column, and lip, the other parts being removed
; magnified 8 times.
2. The same, with the lip and a part of the ovary cut away; magnified
8 times.
3. A back view of the column of a bud, shewing the anther and the
back of the stigmatic gland; magnified 8 times.
4. The stigmatic gland, seen from the front; magnified 16 times.
5. The same, from the back, with two perforations, corresponding with
the adhesion of the pollen-masses; magnified 16 times.
6. A back of the column of an expanded flower, with the anther
attached; magnified 8 times.
7- The same, with the anther removed, shewing the pollen-masses and
stigmatic gland in their places.
8. The same, with the pollen-masses and the stigmatic gland removed.
9. The two pairs of pollen-masses, attached to the back of the stigmatic
gland ; magnified 8 times.
10. The same seen in front.
11. An anther, after the pollen-masses have fallen out, seen in front;
magnified 8 times.
12. A transverse section of the same.
13. Four of the pollen grains ; magnified 400 times.
14. A mass of the pollen adhering to the mucilaginous tissue; magnified
100 times.