The column and sexual apparatus of SATVRIUM FUSTDLATCM
; from a drawing by Mr. Bauer in 1800. This
plate shews the state of all the parts at the time of the
expansion of the flower; and illustrates the Tribe called
1. Front view of a n expanded flower; natnral size.
2. The same ; magnified 4 diameters.
3. Back view of the same.
4. Longitudinal section of the lip, the column, and the ovarium; magnified
4 diameters.
5. Front view of the anther and stigma; magnified 16 diameters.
6. The same seen in profile.
7. A longitudinal section of the parts represented at fig. 5 ; magnified
16 diameters.
8. Back view of one of the stigmatic glands, shewing the point of insertion
of the caudicula; magnified 32 diameters.
9. Front view of the same, shewing the point of emission now dry.
10. Back view of the pollen-masses, still adhering to the stigmatic glands.
11. Front view of the same.
12. Side view of a pollen-mass adhering to a stigmatic gland; magnified
16 diameters.
13. A pollen-mass, one half of which is forcibly stretched out to shew
the elasticity of its axis, which may be drawn to double its length
without breaking.
14. One of the segments of the last; magnified 50 diameters.
15. A group of grains of pollen; magnified 200 diameters.
16. Transverse section of a part of the column; magnified 16 diameters.
17. Transverse section of the ovarium; magnified 16 diameters.