The column and sexual apparatus of S A T Ï R I U M PUSTULATIIM
; from a drawing by Mr. Bauer in 1800. This plate
shews the state of all the parts of fructification a few days
before the expansion of the flower; and illustrates the
Tribe called O P H R Y D E ®.
1. Back view of a young bud 6 or 7 days before expansion; natural
2. The same; magnified 4 diameters.
3. Front view of the same; magnified 4 diameters.
4. View of a longitudinal section of the labellum of the same bud, the
sepals and petals being removed; magnified 4 diameters.
5. Front view of the column and ovarium; magnified 4 diameters.
fi. A back view of the organs of fructification, of a somewhat younger
bud, at the time when the caudiculae are just protruding through
their sheath but have not yet reached the stigmatic glands ; magnified
16 diameters.
7. Front view of the parts of fructification of the bud represented at
figs. 1, 2, 3, in the act of fecundation, the stigmatic glands and the
stigmatic cavity being full of fluid; magnified 16 diameters.
8. Back view of the same; the caudicuta are firmly fixed to the stigmatic
glands; magnified 16 diameters.
9. Side view of the same.
10. Vertical section of the same; magnified 16 diameters.
11. Front view of the parts represented at fig. 7, °ne of the stigmatic
glands having been extracted from its socket, as is easily eifected
at this age; magnified 16 diameters.
12. A back view of the extracted gland, shewing the point of insertion
of the caudicula.
13. A front view of the same gland, shewing the point from which the