G E N E R A .
T A B . V I I I .
Parts of Fructification of G A L E A N D R A B A U E R I from a sketch
by Mr. Bauer in 1804, from a dried specimen.
1. Front view of an expanded flower; magnified 2 diameters.
2. Side view of the same.
3. Side view of the column; magnified 8 diameters.
4. Front view of the same.
5. Front view of the apex of the column, with the anther raised up and
shewing the pollen-masses with their caudicula and the gland ;
magnified 8 diameters.
6. Side view of the same; magnified 8 diameters.
7- Pollen-masses with the caudicula and gland seen from above; magnified
16 diameters.
8. Profile view of the same.
9. The same seen from below.
10. The last with the pollen-masses and their caudicula separated from
the gland which is discharging its impregnating matter; magnified
16 diameters. The impregnating matter is magnified 200 diameters.