TAB. X V .
The parts of Fructification of the genus APOSTASIA ; from a
drawing made by Mr. Bauer, from dried specimens, in
February, 1832.
1. A portion of a spike of Apostasia nuda in the bud state; natural
2. A side view of a bud ; magnified 10 diameters.
3. The same opened forcibly; magnified 10 diameters.
4. The same with the three sepals removed to shew the three petals;
magnified 10 diameters.
5. The intermediate petal which represents the labellum of other Orchideae;
this is narrower than the lateral petals, and tapers into
a short unguis at its base; magnified 10 diameters.
6. The two anthers in their natural position, all the floral envelopes
having been removed; magnified 10 diameters.
7. One of the anthers a little removed to shew the style which is held
fast in the groove of the opposite anther; magnified 20 diameters.
8. The same with the other anther further removed to shew the style
wholly disengaged; magnified 20 diameters.
9. Front view of an anther; magnified 20 diameters.
10. Transverse section of the same; magnified in the same degree.
11. A group of pollen-grains ; magnified 570 diameters.
12. A portion of the style, with the stigma; magnified 100 diameters.
13. Transverse section of a portion of the ovarium; magnified 20
14. A small portion of the placenta, with ovula on it; magnified 100
15. A group of ovula separated; magnified 200 diameters.
16. A transverse section of a nearly ripe seed-vessel of Apostasia Wallichii;
magnified 20 diameters.