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A R E T H U S A P L I C A T A .
Plaited-leaved Arethufa.
GYNANDRIA DIANDRI/!. Chives on the Pohital. Two Chives.
CALYX. Spatlia foliacea. Penantbium nullum.
CoKoLLA ringens ; pétala quinqué, oblonga,
iubfEqiialia, duo exteriora, omnia comiiventia
in galeam.
Ncctarium monophyllnm, bali tübulofum,
intra corollíE fundum, bipartitum; labio inferiore
reflexo, lalo, rngofo, longitudine
petalorura, propendente ; labio luperiore
lineari, tenerrimo, ftylo adnato, apice lobato.
STAMINA. Filamenta duo, breviffima, piftilli
apici infidentia. Antherae ovatse, comprcHae,
teólae duplicatura labii interioris necl.
PisTiLLUM. Germen oblongum, inferura.
Stylus oblongas, incurvus, labio interiore
nectarii veftitus. Stigma infundibuliforme.
P E K I C A K P I U M . Capfula oblongo-ovata, unilocularis,
tri-valvis, angulis debiscens.
SEMIN A nunaerofa, acerofa.
EMPALEMENT. Sheath leafy. Cup none.
BLOSSOM gaping. Five petals, oblong, nearly
equal, two outer, all converging into a helmet.
Honey-cup one-leafed, tubular at the bafe,
within the bottom of the blolfom, twoparted;
lower lip reflexed, broad, wrinkled,
the length of the petals, hanging down forwards;
upper lip linear, very delicate, fixed
to the iliaft, lobed at top.
C H I V E S . TWO threads, very fliort, fitting on
the top of the pointal. Tips egg-filiaped,
flattened, covered by the folding of the
inner lip of the honey-cup.
P O I N T A L . Seed-bud oblong, beneath. Shaft
oblong, incui'ved, cloathed by the inner lip
of the honey-cup. Summit funnel-lliaped.
SEED-VESSEL. Capfule oblong egg-ihaped, onecelled,
three-valved, fplitting at the angles.
SEEDS numerous, chaffy.
Aretliufa radice globofa ; folio cordato, plicato,
Arethufa with a globular root; leaf heart-lhaped,
plaited and hairy.
1. The Plant, after the Flower has difappeared.
2. The Petals of the Flower, fpread open.
3. The Honey-cup, fpread open,
4. The Chives and Pointal.
5. The fame, magnified; the hood, to which the chives are attached, lifted up.
T H I S fingular little bulbous rooted plant was received this year, 1803, in the month of April, amongft a
number of other curious new feeds and bulbs, from the Eaft-Indies, byAylmer Bourke Lambert, Esq.
by whom they have been communicated to different colleftions. Although the plant has confiderable
affinity with Arethufa, yet we entertain doubts whether it fliould not be placed to Limodorum, as it
wants many of the generic characters of the former genus, and but few, and thofe but trivial in its
correfpondence, to the latter. We have, notwithftanding, given it the title under which it was fent,
fubmitting our judgment to what we conceive better authority. There is little doubt but the plant
will foon be lofi; in our colleftions, as but few of this natural order are either to be propagated or kept
by any cultivation we are at prefent acquainted with. Our figure was taken from a plant which
flowered in the hot-houfe of J . Vere, Efquire, Kenfington Gore, in the month of July, before there
was any appearance of eitlier root or leaf from the bulb. It was in flower at the fame time in the
Colle6tion of Sir Abraham Hume, Bart, Wormley-Bury, Herts.
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