the features of the countenance and’ in the structure of the
body from these foreigners' of oriental origin. The physiognomy
of the Marocans and other Africans, who were’seen
here, is expressive: of : firmnéss of mind and prudence, ' yet
without that look of cunning—verschmitssheit—attributed
commonly to the offspring of the Semitic race—rather blended
with a pleasing frankness and mental tranquillity—seelenruhe.
A high forehead, an oval countenance; large, sparkling—-feù-
rige—black eyes; shaded by arched, strong eyebrows ; a thin;
rather long, but not too pointed nose ; rather broad lips,- meet--
ing in anacute ' angle ; thick, smooth, black hair -on the
head and "in the beard ; brownish-yellow complexions, a
strong neck ; a powerful and firm structure, • both bony and
muscular, joined to a stature greater than the middle height,
characterize the natives of northern Africa, as they are frequently
seen in the streets of Gibraltar.”
M. Rozet informs us, that the Berbers br Kabyles of the
-Algerine territory are of middle stature; their complexion is
brown, and sometimes nearly black : “ te s Berbihfeksont de
taille moyenne ; ils ont le teint brun et^uelquefre&b noirâtre,
les cheveux brans et lisses, rarement blonds; ils sont tous
maigres, mais extrêmement robustes et nerveux ; fsaridéiflti
grêle est trés bien fait, et leur tournure a uiîéclégânce qtfd
Ton ne trouve plus que dans les statues antiques*. " Il^fefejt>la
tête plus “ronde que les Arabes, les traits du visage^ plus
courts, mais aussi bien prononcés ; : ces beaux-nez aquilins si
communs chez ceux-ci sont rares chez les Berbères; l’expression
de leur figure a quelque chose de sauvage et même de
cruel ; ils sont extrêmemènt actifs et fort intelligens.”
The physical characters of the different nations in the empire
of Maroco are described by Lieutenant Washington, who
says, that the Arabs are a hardy race, but slightly made, and
under the middle size; the girls, when young, pretty ; but
the women frightfully ugly, owing to,exposure and hardships;
Their language is the Koreish. The Moors are, generally, a
fine-looking race of men; of the middle stature ; disposed to
become corpulent ; they have good teeth ; complexions of all
shades, owing, as it is supposed, to intermixture with Negroes.
M We remarked, that thé darker the colour, the finer were
the men, and of more determined characters.” The Negroes
are not .very numerous; a fact which is rather against the
supposition - above hinted at; * He describes the Shuluh or
Shelahs in .the mountains* above -Maroco, as lively,. intelligent,
well-formed, athletic men, not tall; without marked features,
and with Might complexions.
A similar difference'of icomplexion, in relation to temperature,
or, at.least;,jrto. elevation of ground, was observed by.
Dr. Shaw among thoiKab.ylesv of the Tunisian country. He
says, that “ the Kabates;1 in general, are of a swarthy-colour,
witiridark hair; but those}who inhabit the mountains of Au-
ress,ior Mons Aurasius;• though they speak the same language,
arejof a fair -and ruddy complexion, and their hair is of a
deep-.yellow.” We,shall have, occasion rto notice many facts
exactly .parallel to this, which may prevent any hesitation in
Admitting it, without resorting tOfth^ improbable,and wholly
gratuitous supposition that the xanthous Berbers of Mount
Aaress are the remains of the Vandals, who were conquered
I have already-stated, from the testimony of Mr. Hodgson,,
that the tribes, who live seven hundred mj-k§#|©, the southward
of Algiers; in the remote parts of Atlantica and;towards the
desert, differ in physical character^ from the northern Berbers.
SM#AittkEragaiah and Aith-Ou6rgelah are black, and have
the- featnres'and hair of Negroes, though speaking the .Berber
lamruaffe. The circumstances which might afford an explaqa-
tlomof these;facts are.unknown
The Tuaryk, spread through the Sahara, have been neyer
fully described by travellers. .
The Tuaryk are said by. Hornemann to be a fine, handsome
race of- people, with European .features. Horpe-
mann’s personal observations were cpnfmedbfo the Tuaryk
tribes or nations of Kollouvy. and Ilhagara. lie observes
that the western tribes are white, as far as their mamier of
life and exposure to the sun allows them to he. But the Kol-
louvians are of different colours. Many are black, but they
have -not the features of Negroes^ The Ilhagara and the
Matkara are yellowish, like the Arabs. Near. Sondan there
are tribesifehtirely black. It may be remarked, that, if this